Oh Georges I couldn’t really – I’ve just had dinner – ok just one *giggles*. Only 23 days to go Aussie peeps 23 days and that number just happens to be my lucky one. I thought I would give you an update on the figures so far thanks to Box Office Mojo. Not sure where that total gross figure came from since my calculations add up to $5,454,451 but for once it’s higher so …
It hasn’t made budget yet (£9 million for those wondering), but its slowly creeping there and I understand it’s on VOD release this week in the US so those numbers should change. And without sounding like I’m making excuses – this film is LIMITED RELEASE so I thought I’d show you how many cinema screens its showing at in each country so the figures make more sense.
Still taking a wait and see attitude to the figures and i just keep thinking, success is measured in many ways not just money!!!!! Thanks for the updates Maria, I really enjoy them.
*waves to Georges* 😀 23 days yipppeeeeee!! Thanks so much for the updates Maria. Doing very nicely I think & you’re right Maria, people DO forget that it’s limited release. CANNOT wait to see the brilliance that is Georges with my own eyes.
Love that gif and Fave Rob Pic of the Day. Thanks Maria for the box office info on Bel Ami – 23 days – can’t wait.
Thank you so much for your research Maria. I appreciate the extra mile you go to give us a more complete view
23 Days!!!!
Are there figures I’m supposed to concentrate on….apart from HIS fine figure of a man obviously?? LOL corny and obvious but that’s just who I am. *giggles* Thanks so much for doing this for us Maria – for such an art-house type of movie on limited release it seems to be doing reasonably well. I have no clue about these things – just know that I loved him in it. Can’t wait for you girls to see him. 😉
Thank you Maria and I agree you girls always go the extra mile for us to keep us up to date. I have to agree with Jules – hard to concentrate on figures with his hotness parading around in his long johns however – yes this is sexy 😉