Back on 31 March 2012 we posted that RPAU was offered the chance to hold a special screening of Bel Ami the night before it’s official release in Australia. I can’t begin to express how thankful I am to those who made an effort to let me know they were more than willing to show their support to Rob. I am sad and disappointed to say though that there just wasn’t enough interest to warrant a special screening of Georges.  In the end I had about 35 for Sydney, 15 for Melbourne and only a couple for South Australia and Gold Coast.  We really needed to get more positive and definite numbers in order for this to be a success.
To those who showed support - we talked about doing a possible private screening for you, but a smaller cinema would undoubtedly increase ticket prices in order to make it worth their while and in the end that really isn’t fair to all of you.
Well we tried and I guess Rob would hopefully consider us well within the 1% he once mentioned.  I just hope the actual film has a better result than we did. Thanks again *mwah*.
🙁 It’s so so sad & disheartening that this AMAZING opportunity could not come to fruition. I cannot believe so many passed up the opportunity to see Rob as Georges *shakes head* It seems that many of Rob’s ‘fans’ out there are all talk no action when it comes to supporting him. To all who showed your support for Rob, you are awesome. If only ALL of Rob’s fans were so dedicated like we are here at RPAU. Thanks so much for all your efforts Maria.
Exactly Maria, we, the 1% will all be there supporting him come 24 May. That is one thing we can definitely guarantee – ALWAYS. 43 days to go until we see beautiful Georges – bring him on!!
@Maria and ladies thank you for even trying to organize such an event – it is so much appreciated along with everything else that you do to keep us up to date and in contact (as best we can ) with Rob. We will all still go along with bells on and we know that we will all be sharing that special moment when we view his movies 🙂
I’m with you Michelle!!! I’ll be there to see Rob in all his George’sness can’t wait
Very sad this couldn’t happen :(. Thank you for trying to do this for us, know that it is appreciated so, so much!!!! I am proud to be in the 1% and cannot wait to see this movie!!! May 24, cannot come quick enough!!!!!!
Thanks girls for all your efforts……I had would have come to Sydney if it would have made a difference 🙁 But alas….
Such a shame ~ I was really looking forward to meeting some of the RPAU family and drooling over Georges together! Thanks for trying, Maria ….. I know there will be other opportunities in the future, I guess we’ll just have to be patient. 43 days and counting ……
Thanks so much for trying.
Still can’t believe we were THIS close to getting that private screening I was praying for last year … we’ll hopefully have other opportunities in the future. Meanwhile, am very much looking forward to seeing the movie (that’s if I remain upright) and chuffed to be a part of the 1%.
@Sue – will be interesting with the screenings maybe we should have an RPAU secret signal/ or color so we know if there is another RPAU fan in the audience 😉
Hahaha @Elane something like Love Rob & Prosper … what? Yeah yeah I know it’s already been used.
Well I really was hoping to do a private screening when the advanced one looked like a no go, but I agree with Hopscotch – a cinema will need to increase prices in order for them to make it worth their while and well if it was the only screening then I’d say hell yes, but it’s being released in a number of cinemas so not really fair.
But thanks everyone I truly mean it.
@Elane – maybe we should re visit the RPAU Tshirt idea and we can just have a big 1% on the front and be done with it.
It might have to be a glow in the dark 1% LOL.
@ Vertigo I am there and loving your idea -I am game and would be proud to wear it 🙂
LOL @Vertigo & Elane ~ a glow in the dark 1% ~ perfect!
Sad face from me too 🙁 The special screening is an opportunity missed. Thank you Maria for all your hard work for this and all things Rob
43 days to Georges. Being part of Rob’s 1% is a pure pleasure
Thanks so much Maria for trying to arrange an early screening of Bel Ami:) It would have been nice to share our love of Rob together. I will be there for sure on the 24th drooling over this beautiful perfect sexy man…can’t wait. Hopefully an early screening of Cosmopolis might take place:)
I’m so gutted for you all that this couldn’t happen – it would have been such fun! *sigh* onwards and upwards and seriously, it’s a privilege being part of the 1% with you all. Thanks for being so supportive of our guy and thanks a million RPAU girls for all your hard work behind the scenes. *group hugs all around*
LOL @Vertigo – glow in the dark shirts. Love!! 🙂
I’m really disappointed that this amazingly wonderful evening had to be cancelled. I was organizing a day off from work so that I could be in Sydney for the screening. Your hard work is much appreciated and I thank you for trying. The T Shirt idea sounds great. Hope something can happen for Cosmopolis…..
🙁 sorry the other 99% let you down Maria…. if I could’ve justified the plane ticket $ & the babysitting to my hubby, I would’ve come to Sydney (for the first time ever) just for the screening – surely someone from this lovely place would’ve put me up for the night?! lol.
@Vertigo, you are sheer GENIUS. 1%. Love it. I’d buy it (& one for my converted friends). Maybe with all the tshirt sales you could subsidise a screening or two, ha ha! Thanks again for trying to do this screening lovely ladies xoxox
Hi RPAU. My name is Sarah. Sorry to hear about the Private Screening not becoming a reality. I’m a huge Rob fan just like all of you, but I only heard about this private screening today. My friend shared the link to your website with me. I wish I had of found it sooner. I think alot of Robs Aussie Fans just didn’t know this opportunity existed. I have now discovered your fansite. Thanks so much for organising this wonderful opportunity in the first place. xoxo
Hi guys… i too am really disappointed, was really looking forward to the advanced screening and had already sussed airfairs and accom etc. I also was looking forward to catching up with the RPAU girls. I would’ve been prepared to pay more an absolutely love the 1% t-shirt idea!!
@Vertigo something has begun – we need to start the T-Shirt revolution for the 1%, maybe with an RPAU on the sleeve to honour the girls at this site and their hard work 🙂
LOVING the sounds of the T Shirts! Go the 1% wooo hoooo 😀
Please please please the T shirt sounds great. I’d wear it with pride.
LOL everyone – sorry have been silent but work was a pain today.
Vertigo – over to you with the tshirts – it’s a great idea.
@Sarah welcome to RPAU and I think it’s true that a lot of Rob’s Aussie fans might not have known. We had some people pimp it for us on twitter but still not much interest.
Such a shame.
Thanks for trying to get this together Maria. I just want to say I love RPAU and visit here frequently….well a lot actually! It would have been great to see Bel Ami with some other Rob fans from Melbourne.
Thank you ladies for all your hard work you put into running this site, my sister and I both love it.
Only 42 days to go……can’t wait!!!