So as we start to say goodbye to 2011, I realise that this time next year we will have said goodbye to Edward. As much as I like to say that I can’t wait for this saga to be over, I’m probably going to be a little sad to say goodbye to Eddie, until of course I meet Eric *giggles*.  Although the cafeteria scene below will always make my heart stutter
Oh yeah and lyrics for post title from The End, The Doors.
Posted on December 31, 2011
Awwww Eddie, I adore you. Rob, you made me love this character through your brilliant portrayal of him & as we have said before, no one could have done with Edward what you did Rob, no one. You are the star of this saga & only reason why we have watched every single one on the big screen – the sole reason of our interest. The success of these films is ALL thanks to YOU. Yeah am stating obvious I know. Goodbye sweet Eddie & hellllloooo Georges, Eric & all the brilliant characters Rob has in store for us. Oh how I cannot wait *claps hands while doing happy dance*
Beautiful montage Maria, thank you for sharing. Oh & same – Twilight Edward is my fave & the cafeteria scene – Rob never ever fails to take my breath away
Posted on December 31, 2011
I second that Maria!!! I too want the saga over but it will be sad to say goodbye to Edward, after all for me, that is where my whole crazy Rob ride (some would say obsession) started :D!!!
Posted on December 31, 2011
oh wow Maria – this was beautiful. The lyrics fit so perfectly – I can’t imagine anyone better to play Edward. Rob is so perfect as this character and I will be sad to ‘say goodbye’ but onwards and upwards (and there’s a lot that I will not be sorry to leave behind!) – I just can NOT wait for his new characters….the ones we know who are on their way (Georges and Eric) and the ones that have still to come. Over to you Rob….we’re here supporting you all the damn way.
And yes, I have to agree – Twilight Eddie is my favorite. That gif you posted of him walking into the cafeteria. I can NOT stop smiling and sighing when I see that scene. Perfection. *happy sigh*
Posted on December 31, 2011
I get all breathless and sweaty when I see Eddie walk along outside the windows before he evens gets inside the canteen door! Lol! And nods to everyone’s comments Rob has been spectacular as Eddie but so hanging out to meet the “RMB” Mr Deroy and of course Mr Packer and all the other roles Mr Pattinson will bring our way.
Posted on December 31, 2011
Aww …..I felt so sad just reading your heading, Maria! I’m so happy we have such a thing as the dvd …… that way Eddie can live on forever (as he’s meant to, right? haha). I’ll have to spend longer on this post tonight, so many beautiful memories ……. thanks Maria. I know 2012 is going to be amazing for Rob (and us), but Edward will always hold a special place in my heart…….
Posted on December 31, 2011
Oh Eddie how I adore you, such a beautiful montage Maria. It will be bitter sweet saying goodbye but I’m all for Rob moving on to surrounding himself in quality projects – because as you are all already aware, he was the only thing quality about this saga and without Rob, it all would have finished at part one.
Posted on December 31, 2011
Beautiful montage, Maria! You captured the essence of Edward perfectly. Michelle, you took the words right out of my mouth. Rob has done an outstanding job bringing Edward to the screen. I certainly will not forget that magical moment of Edward Cullen’s first entrance, enhanced by Lizzie’s beautiful vocals in the background. In fact, two of my favorite scenes were Edward’s entrances: the cafeteria in Twilight and the parking lot in New Moon. Both made my heart flutter. But it is now time for Georges and Eric to follow in the footsteps of Jacob, Tyler, and Edward and take the spotlight! I look forward to Rob moving forward, bringing more memorable characters to the screen, and as Mr. Cronenberg so eloquently put it, ‘blowing us away’ with more brilliant performances. And as Jules said, we’ll be here to support you, Rob. . .all the way!
Posted on December 31, 2011
Edward! Cafeteria Edward. Clocktower Edward. Angry Edward. Headboard Edward. *sigh* Thank God for Rob
Posted on December 31, 2011
Maria what a gorgeous montage. And you said it so beautifully.
As much as I also want this saga to end, of course we will miss Eddie. As most of you know I was a really late bloomer, but it was Edward walking into that cafeteria that made me fall completely in love with Rob, and thanks to him and God, I found all of you wonderful ladies. I have found such amazing, wonderful, beautiful friends on this site.
So I also want to thank you Maria and Michelle and the rest of the girls, for having the best Rob site there is. For accepting this fucking crazy, cry baby American and making me feel right at home. Thank you for everything. I wish all nothing but the best in this coming year. I love you all! Mwuah!
Posted on December 31, 2011
@Martha you know what they say … better late than never and you have made us smile more times than you know.
Happy New Year hun – hope it’s filled with much love and happiness and a few more Rob dreams are fulfilled!
Posted on December 31, 2011
From you comment to Gods eyes Maria.
Wishing you the same and more!
Posted on December 31, 2011
Awww Martha, thank you so much for your lovely words. They’re making me teary, but of course in a good way. You are the most beautiful person Martha, with a heart of pure gold. Rob has bought SO many of us together & through him so many wonderful friendships have been formed. One of the many many things we have to thank him for. Love you to pieces Martha & thank YOU for all your kindness & generosity to us. You are a pure gem Martha *mwah* I am SO HAPPY you got to see Rob in the flesh this year – no one deserved it more & I mean that with all my heart.
Posted on January 01, 2012
@Martha: I didn’t realize you, too, were from the U.S. From a fellow American, I’m glad you found this awesome Rob community.
Posted on January 01, 2012
Beautiful montage Maria… Thank you for the memories…
Posted on January 01, 2012
Michelle you have me in tears. God when is it that I’m not in tears.
Thank you Michelle for your kind words. I truly love you all.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you all a fantastic year!
Posted on January 01, 2012
@Suze are you in the states? And if so where? If you don’t mind me asking.