Oh Rob I love your reaction to the romantic comedy … how do these people call themselves professionals when they base their research on gossip sites
Oh Rob I love your reaction to the romantic comedy … how do these people call themselves professionals when they base their research on gossip sites
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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Posted on November 05, 2011
That women’s voice is worse then nails on a chalk board! *shudders* And Blah blah wedding blah blah birth….over it sorry. But Rob just fabulous as always.
Posted on November 05, 2011
*shudders too* it’s the woman with that voice. I always want to clear my throat whenever I listen to her. Rob you are a saint you know to remain so polite & kind during these interviews where they ask you not only the same questions over & over but the most stupid questions too. The questions are zzzzzz but Rob as always – BRILLiANT!
Posted on November 06, 2011
OMG! Did he really say that about real proposals! He did, didn’t he? That is why it is worth watching all these stupid press things. He says the most outrageous things to amuse himself. He is adorable. I can’t believe people are still taking everything he says as truth – Like the vows and Two & ½ Men. Can’t they see what he is doing?
Posted on November 06, 2011
Rob cracks me up. Seriously, how he faces the same inane questions over and over and still manages to smile and not just tell them all to sod off is beyond me.
I agree Carmel, I love the crazy things he says, it’s probably the only was he can maintain his sanity … and then he’s always telling himself to stop talking. Adorable.