I swear it gets harder and harder each month to narrow down just 3 pics to vote on. So you all know how much I love positive thought and seeing how it’s been mentioned that Cosmopolis might be at Cannes next year – I just thought if you all had Cannes on the brain then anything is possibe …
Hahaha “evil” is my middle name, but imagine if we had more goodies like this next year. *RobatCannesRobatCannesRobatCannes* – my new mantra for now.Â
You all know the drill – you can vote by either clicking here or going through the widget on the sidebar. The reminder of how to vote is here.
Posted on September 12, 2011
Maria you are SO evil – hahaha but we LOVE it. How am I going to choose – how? Rob at Cannes – please please pretty please *smiles sweetly*
Posted on September 12, 2011
Maria u r sweet evil and this is great
Posted on September 12, 2011
Oh Miss Maria you are evil but in a really, really, nice way!
Number 2 hands down for me cannot beat Rob quenching his thirst.
Posted on September 12, 2011
Lol @Mema and happy birthday!
Posted on September 12, 2011
Ohhhhh hard choices! Mmm Rob at Cannes keep putting it out there girls we have done it before and we can do it again!
Happy Birthday Mema!
Posted on September 12, 2011
Rob in Cannes is always on my mind Maria!!! This one really is going to be tough!!!!
Mema, happy birthday, I hope you had the best day!!
Posted on September 12, 2011
Happy Birthday Mema!
Too hard basket Maria! Too hard. I may just go with straw because it’s one of the first caps I made of Rob. We’ve spent much time together. But then there are those looks … sheesh
Posted on September 12, 2011
Oh & forgot to say Happy Birthday Mema
Posted on September 12, 2011
My thirst for Rob is unquenchable so I think I’ll have to go for the second one.
Or I could vote for that same one because of the fine view of his chiselled jawbone
Or maybe because he is teasing me so much with his stare and expression WHILE slowing sucking on that straw!
My God, I’m working myself up thinking of reasons to vote for that pick. I better just go and do it before I explode.
@Maria – I always have Cannes on my mind.
Posted on September 13, 2011
thanks……. ur the sweetest girls i ever know …….love u all (mwha)
Posted on September 13, 2011
Oh! this is almost an impossible mission but I am going to choose the third one. He is adorable in all of them. His stare and his smile are amazing.
Posted on September 13, 2011
Happy Birthday @Mema!
I’m thinking the same sort of thing as you ladies.
It might have to be the straw.
The eyes are a bit crinkly, and the eyebrows, and it seems I have a bt of a thing for any photo of Rob where he has something in his mouth (Its a sickness, I realise this now).
Just wanted to say that I haven’t been posting much lately – been super busy, but you guys and this site brightens my day several times every day.
I’m very grateful to you all for that.
Posted on October 11, 2011
First pic for me please, he has that sexy look on his face