May 22nd, 2011 / 5 Comments

Remember the WFE discussion thread we posted back in March?  Am sure you all do.   Seeing as all (?) of us have seen the film now – well many of us multiple times *grins* we thought we could use the thread as a place to share our thoughts/opinions, to celebrate this beautiful film & of course, Rob’s brilliant portrayal of Jacob Jankowski. I cannot say enough how fantastic he is in the film.  The way he brought Jacob to life – just superb.  He never fails to blow me away.  This role was made for him.  Preaching to the converted I know – you all completely agree with me. I fall even more in love with Jacob & the film each time I watch. I cannot wait to own the DVD. Seriously I want it NOW!

Here’s the discussion link everyone, over to you!  There are of course going to be spoilers in this thread so if you haven’t seen the film (if so why haven’t you?)  don’t click on the link!

  • lids
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    I loved the movie,still need to go and see it more times though.
    I loved the book, but also love the fact that I am reading certain books because Rob will be playing in upcoming movies. These books do get me thinking, and I love that Rob is choosing scripts that are not to the ” Hollywood” norm. It shows that he is a true talent (we’ve known that all along) and is not just going after the money.
    Rob has talent, courage and charisma and thats why I adore him

  • Martha M
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    Perfectly said Lids. I, like you are also reading out of my comfort zone because of Rob. Books that I wouldn’t even look at, and I’m loving it. I love that after Twilight, he’s playing all kinds of unique and different characters. I loved the story WFE. When I started reading the book I just couldn’t put it down. It was such a beautiful story, I had all my family, friends, and co-workers reading it. My original book is thrashed it’s been here and there and everywhere, it’s been in so many hands,and every single person that i loaned it too, loved, loved the story. When I saw Rob as Jacob, he was even better in bringing him to life then I ever imagined. I have seen it so many times. And every time I’ve seen it people walk out of the cinema so impressed by his beauty but most of all of his talent. It make me so proud, my heart swells up, at times I think it’s going to explode :-).
    And with that talent, courage, and charisma he’s making so many more people love him, and making them see how very talented he truly is.
    I’m so proud of you Rob for remaining exactly the same person you’ve been, even after all this fame. That’s why we all adore you here.

  • Caro
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    I dont know if this is going to make sense, but here goes

    You see, with HTB, and BMHB I see ‘Rob’ a lot in the characters, it might just be the Brit accent, lack of makeup, etc
    Its the same with RM, I feel like Im getting a Rob Fix watching it, rather than seeing the film for what it is. (Dont get me wrong, I love the story, I think its amazing)

    I dont feel like Im watching Rob in the Twi series, but Im not really a fan of the story and the makeup and contacts help a bit in that area too.

    But if we think, In WfE hes very ‘Rob’ looking, looks exactly like he normally does (not as close as RM but close) But I could sit there and totally lose myself in the ‘Jacob’ story, especially if theres a moment where he looks truely beautiful, Im usually “oooh Rob why are you so lovely” But in this I felt like I was watching a whole new person Id never seen before. Especially the scene in the clown makeup, I always think ‘This is Jacob’

    Im rambling a bit. Guh. I know what I mean.

  • Martha M
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    Caro I perfectly understood what you were trying to say, because that’s exactly how I feel when I watch “Little Ashes”. I forget it’s Rob and all I see is Dali, I even forget it’s 2 men in love, all I can see is this tortured love story. So you made perfect sense.

  • minette
    Posted on May 23, 2011

    ITA, girls, I saw it, but I need to see it again… and again…. the first time I was so nervous and only had eyes to Rob… only saw him, so amazing, so beautiful ….and completely Jacob!!!! even if Rob said he is a very different person of Jacob, that he (Jacob) only sees life in two colors…. he achieve that we only find Jacob and even we believe that they are two very similar persons …that is only Rob success.
    well, in the movie Jacob understand that he has to lie sometimes…in the book he was no able to do it….But I think that every adjustment they did it to the story, was so well done, and Rob made the perfect Jacob, as always he did with every character he represents…. he is obviously very talented and performing is his deal…. and he is very clever and brave choosing every new character…
    I feel deep inside that Rob will make a brilliant road in his life, his work goes better and better and he, as the lovely person he is, still growing in confidence, wisely but humble
    I love this man!!!!!!

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