May 22nd, 2011 / 14 Comments

Yeah I know I could wait until late Monday/early Tuesday to post weekend box office, but I love watching the stats creep up.   According to Box Office Mojo as at 20 May 2011 WFE has grossed $87,238,000 worldwide:

You know what excites me more though – the current population of Australia is 22.6 million and yet according to UrbanCine we seem to be holding our own when it comes to WFE’s foreign totals with a staggering $4,593,255 as at 18 May 2011.

If you don’t believe me – compare foreign takings from Box Office Mojo here.  In case you think I’m having a go at overseas fans, I’m not – I’m just really proud that Rob’s Australian fans are getting behind him for this movie. Actually I’m proud that Australians in general are giving this movie a go because it deserves all the accolades it’s receiving and there’s a whole new audience that is discovering Rob.  Ask Michelle – she can relay her story from yesterday. I can tell you that when we were leaving the screening at the Ritz yesterday, one of the ushers was telling some older patrons that WFE was doing exceptionally well at the box office *cough* I may have then said yeah $85.5 million worldwide baby *cough* – oh okay maybe I didn’t say baby LOL.  I’m so interested to see where WFE is on the Australian box office after this weekend – I’m hoping that it still holds No. 1.  Hmm I wonder how much it’s made after you deduct all of our contributions to the screenings *giggles*

  • mema
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    we dont see the movie hear in the Middle East with all this Revolutions but we hop to bee soon so this movie can have more funds i hop so

  • lids
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    Go Australia…i love the fact that we are supporting this movie. Keep going people, keep going 😀

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    *beams* I too am so so proud of us Aussies. It’s just wonderful to see that a new audience is discovering the brilliance that is Rob & as Maria said, I sure did witness this yesterday. At my screening the majority of the audience was aged between 40-75+, mix of males & females & they absolutely LOVED it. I would have been the youngest person there bar 2 teenage girls. I can honestly say that I have never experienced such a wonderful crowd response to a movie. When the film ended the couple behind me said ‘top movie’ & they were looking to see who played the lead roles. They were still sitting there discussing it as I was walking out. Then on the steps a group of people were congregated telling each other how much they LOVED it & asking their friends opinions. The looks on their faces said it all, they were ‘beaming’ & I of course was grinning like mad as I walked down past them all, listening intently to what they were saying 😀 It makes me happy beyond words to see this beautiful film receiving so much praise & it doing so well. Exactly what Rob & all involved deserve. Fingers crossed it’s still at #1 this week here in Oz. LOL we have definitely made rather *ahem* large contributions to the screenings hehe.

    Haha, oh & I LOVE what you said to the usher Maria wooo hooooo!!! Thanks so much for the update. Oh how I love reading them!

  • Rob
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    Haven’t posted for some time now but been lurking and had the pleasure of meeting up with many of the girls here in Sydney. What an experience. Maria, I too, am so proud of us Aussies. Yes, I’m sure a lot of us girls have helped contribute – he, he – but everytime I’ve gone the same reaction from the audience. So very proud of Rob.

  • anna
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    I am so proud of you, australian people, I have to travel 5 hours to watch this movie and done 3 times,but it is tired and expensive, so I am very glad that you can see this beautiful movie and the great Robert many times as you can. Thanks, and sorry my english is not good.

  • Maria
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    Oh @anna that’s definitely dedication – 5 hours – where do you live? Oh and your English is fine 🙂

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    Oh wow Anna, 5 hours. I know I’ve had to travel 2 hours in the past to see Remember Me but 5 hours is a really really long time. What wonderful dedication. We really are so lucky to be able to see beautiful Jacob so easily & many times. Your English is good – understand everything you have said 🙂

  • Vicky
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    This is brilliant news!!! Trying furiously to get my housework done so i can “contribute” again tonight!!! Oh well, I suppose the vacuuming will still be there tomorrow LOL!!

  • anna
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    Thank you very much, I live in Pto, Vallarta, Jalisco in Mexico and travel to Guadalajara, four friends and me, tired but happy to see Robert, now I am voting and voting to Robert he will win everything in MTV awards. Can you help me if I say something wrong because I am studyng english. Thanks, I like this page so much.

  • lids
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    @Anna, you’re doing fine…your English is no barrier we all understand each other here.
    You live in a beautiful part of Mexico. I m,visited last year and loved it…visiting again next year

  • Martha M
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    YEAH!!!! I’m also so glad to hear how well the movie is doing. Well deserved. It truly is an amazing story, and Rob did an outstanding job as Jacob. No other could have brought Jacob to life the way Rob did. I too was at the cinema last night. I took my frined, it was her first time seeing the movie, she loved it. She’s not a Rob fan but at one point I asked her “Isn’t he just beautiful?”, and her reply was “Martha he’s gorgeous!”, I’m so proud of him, for making her see what we’ve all seen in him for so long now. Girls I have seen the movie heaps of times, and I’m not done yet. After all I have to break my “Remember Me” record. I won’t even say how many times I saw it, I truly believe not even you girls would understand, you would have me committed. Thank you Maria for always keeing us informed :-).

  • Martha M
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    Bienvenida Anna, No te preocupes tu Ingles es perfecto. Welcome!

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    LOL Martha, we would never judge you here. When it comes to Rob, there is no such thing as too much 😀 I seriously wish I could go to the cinema every single day to watch WFE. If I could, I so would. I absolutely cannot wait to own the DVD!

    Oh & I love that your friend has finally seen the light. So many people are opening up their eyes AT LAST & seeing what we have known for years!

  • Martha M
    Posted on May 22, 2011

    She is now Michelle. Thanks for saying that when it comes to Rob there could never be too much. I go see the movie about 2-4 times a week since it premiered here on April 22nd. God I am crazy. But I can’t get enough of Jacob. I’m so glad, lucky, and blessed that I’m able to see it that often, but most of all that I have all of you who understand. Thank you!

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