We might not see Rob in Gucci today at the Oscars, but I have no doubt we will eventually hear “And the winner is ….”  Patience people patience.  Anyway let’s kickstart this amazing week (yes yes Vanity Fair is out on Friday and we get the new WFE trailer this week too) with some Cannes because I’m still hopeful that we will see Rob and Bel-Ami at Cannes come this May …
Posted on February 28, 2011
Oh Maria you sure know how to get our attention on a Monday morning ! Lol! These are just gorgous! Thank You xo And I swear you can see those eyelashes from the moon….sigh…
Posted on February 28, 2011
Well, if I wasn’t awake before i most certainly am now!!! These are just stunning and you actually found a way to improve on perfection, make it close up!!! Thanks Maria.
Rob back in Cannes, oh, im getting dizzy just at the thought!!
Posted on February 28, 2011
Good kickstart @maria!!! And speaking of VF do we get it here straight away or does it arrive later in the month?
Aaaand…I have to share this with you girls I went to see Black Swan last night and they played the WFE trailer. It looked FANTASTIC, AWESOME on the big screen!!! So happy…It was the one with the song by Barcelona (Please don’t go) playing in the background.
Posted on February 28, 2011
Oh @ephie I’m a little envious you saw the trailer. It normally takes a month before we get the air freighted VF in Australia – but you might want to check with your local newsagent in case they can get it earlier. I spoke with one in the city last Friday and they confirmed – they only just got the one with the Academy Awards cover a few weeks ago.
Posted on February 28, 2011
I’m so jealous ephie!!
Posted on February 28, 2011
Yes girls I can understand you being jealous – I ‘m telling you it looked AWSOME on the big screen and I am sure I will HAVE TO see this movie multimple times LOL!. When his face filled the screen it was beyond words…
Thanks for VF info @maria I will check with the local n/agent. I can’t wait for more pics to surface – in HQ of course!!! Demanding much??
Posted on February 28, 2011
I hear ya @ephie – nothing and I mean nothing compares to Rob up on the big screen *sigh*
Posted on February 28, 2011
Oh and I might have just made arrangements to go see a movie tomorrow night in the hope that it shows WFE trailer before hand *giggles*
Posted on February 28, 2011
Oh Rob, have mercy bb… kill me.. kill me, now!!
Thanks Maria, you’re a genius…
Posted on February 28, 2011
The day we hear those words will be the most proudest day ever & with many tears of joy. It’s coming, that’s for sure. Thanks so much for these breathtaking crops Maria – just exactly what I needed.
How exciting you saw the W4E trailer ephie. Am SO jealous! Pretty sure I’m going to the movies on Saturday so fingers & toes crossed I see the trailer too. I CANNOT wait to see Rob as Jacob on the big screen. Nothing beats Rob on the big screen – nothing!
Posted on February 28, 2011
I hear you @michelle and I do hope you get to see it on Sat. It was so unexpected for me because the movie is not due out until June so it was a total surprise and a very pleasant one at that!
Which movie are you going to see @maria?
Posted on February 28, 2011
I’ve been gone all day. I hate it at times I miss so much. But then again when I get home it’s like Christmas when I was kid, and the excitement of seeing what Santa brought me. You girls are my Santa now. @Maria again as always you perfected perfection, and not just anyone can do that. Thank you for posting. AMAZEBALLS!
Posted on February 28, 2011
@Ephie wasn’t it so exciting seeing Jacob on the big screen? Oh when I first saw the trailer I honestly clapped, squeeled, and screamed. Everyone turned to see the crazy women jumping out of her seat. I was so excited. I been very lucky I’ve seen it so many times now, and everytime I hear the hammering I still get so excited, like if it was my first time. Yes I’m a bit (jusst a little) dramatic, but only when it comes to him. I’m so glad you got to see it, and I hope all you girls get to see it soon. I will keep my fingers crossed.
Posted on February 28, 2011
It was really really exciting Martha but luckily I was able to contain myself lol!
Posted on March 01, 2011
Oh just beautiful! Thanks Maria….and I totally agree. I sincerely hope his day will come re Oscars. *sigh*
Posted on March 01, 2011
Beautiful work Maria – Some of these just make me stare and gulp.
@Ephie – you lucky girl!
Posted on March 01, 2011
OMGoshhh Rob is so Hot!! ^_^