It’s been an absolute scorcher today, so here’s Rob’s attempt to cool things down a little. Really? Like that’s even possible – can’t blame me for trying though.
Hope you all had a Happy Australia Day (or are still celebrating). We may not have Rob gracing our beautiful beaches just yet, but perhaps a little glimpse of things to come? *dreams*
And well, I was ever so thirsty …
We have tonnes of beer in Oz Rob, honest.
Infact, we enjoy at least 24 in one sitting.
I see you too.
Source found on tagged pics.
Posted on January 26, 2011
Thank you SO much for this beautiful selection of pics Vertigo. Perfect way to end this Australia day holiday *sigh* Won’t it be AMAZING when we have pics of Rob in Aus that we can share over & over. I was thinking that this morning as I was doing my post. *dreams along with you Vertigo* Hehe yep we have plenty of beer here – no probs.
Hope it cools down for you soon. It’s been hot here today too – this weather is insane!
Posted on January 26, 2011
You are not helping with the temperature Vertigo *fans self *
Posted on January 26, 2011
Very nice indeed! Some of my very fav pics of Rob in this lot. Thanks Miss V ox And I am loving your grav Maria! Just adorable!
Posted on January 26, 2011
Oh that feels so nice on my sunburn Vertigo…Seriously, im resembling that lobster on Robs bib and getting worse by the hour..
Posted on January 26, 2011
ice cubes and Rob, that’s all I can suggest Caro. *giggles*
Hope you get through the night ok and drink lots of fluids.
LOL Maria, he doesn’t make it easy.
Posted on January 26, 2011
Vertigo…hahahahaah!!! what a sense of humor!!!! is fantastic…
some people were comment that Rob were yesterday on the beach, near Baton Rouge, some scene of BD…. in good company, of course… so, perhaps he is feeling like Tyler!!! …*sigh**** OMG!!! find a beach just walking and having a good time… I want to be there!!!! yes!!!
Posted on January 26, 2011
That was a nice try Vertigo but.. it had the opposite effect LOL, nade things hotter!!! Great idea for a post, fantastic selection of pics. xoxo Thanks!
Posted on January 26, 2011
Coke. I want a coke.
These are really great Vertigo but you know there are no Rob photos that will cool us lot down. I believe this is a sneaky late night post
Posted on January 27, 2011
its hot hot hot some one give me cold drink
Posted on January 27, 2011
Ooo my morning surprise. Ms “V” excellent choices. Love them all. Hope today is cooler for you girls. I do know exactly what you girls are going thru. It’s scorching here during the summer as well.
Posted on January 27, 2011
Well thanks for trying Vertigo but to be honest they did not help with the temperature!!! Gorgeous.
I do think I need a drink now though, LOL!!!
Posted on January 27, 2011
Gah!!! *Heads to the fridge*