I was trying to find some time to do these.  The Globes YouTube account had a HQ  vid of this red carpet interview.  The actual show where Rob is present below isn’t HQ, but the caps look okay small.  I love how expressive he is  …
Seriously the effects peeps at the Globes knew what they were doing
Oh wow, he looks amazing.
I can’t keep up with all this Rob goodness.
@Maria, thank you, you’ve been great and you’re lucky that you don’t have to go to work, so you can keep feeding our hunger for Rob.
Ooooh the many faces of Rob!!! He is gorgeous. LOL at the effects peeps comment, definitely perfect timing.
Thank you Maria! These are absolutely great! Plus, I’s say Robert looked pretty relaxed all night long, during the interviews and all… so glad to see him like that! What a lovely man!