There’s 7 vids so I thought I’d do a separate post – thanks Josh and MTV
water for elephants
Breaking Dawn
Bel Ami
There’s 7 vids so I thought I’d do a separate post – thanks Josh and MTV
water for elephants
Breaking Dawn
Bel Ami
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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Posted on January 17, 2011
Now that’s the interview I’ve been waiting for. Josh is fantastic, he obviously really likes and respects Rob, because Rob always gives him so much and they seem completely comfortable with eachother.
Aww Rob, so shy when it comes to talking about sex scenes though….he’ll never kiss and tell (what a shame!!!)
Posted on January 17, 2011
I have to agree, this was the best!.
He is just so endearing.
Seemed quite relaxed considering the setting, in this interview too.
Posted on January 17, 2011
Good interview. Josh knows his stuff. I love it when an interviewer does his research, lol!
Posted on January 17, 2011
Oh he is in perfect form! Love him to bits he is so freakin funny and gorgeous all at the same time. Agree completely he seems very relaxed in these. *sigh*
Thanks Maria these are fantastic
Posted on January 17, 2011
what do you mean @Carlisa – it’s just like twister …
Posted on January 17, 2011
Pmsl Just like twister hey Rob?! Oh dear I am not going there! Faatasric interviews as always with Josh he asks proper intelligent questions in my humble opinion. And of course Cronenburg would call you Rob! He knows talent when he sees it. And Thanks for all your great work bringing us all the GG and W4E goodies today Maria appreciate it so so much oxox
Posted on January 17, 2011
Thx @Cindy – I swear am going to sleep like a baby tonite – hmm maybe having dreams of twister
Posted on January 17, 2011
I always love when Rob talks to Josh it just seems so natural. Like twister eh, doesn’t that give us some wonderful imagery!!!! Thanks Maria, i’ve had the best time catching up on all todays goodness!!
Posted on January 17, 2011
LOL @Maria…..hmmm right leg *spin*…blue
Posted on January 17, 2011
OMG @Carlisa that made me laugh out loud – that’s what’s been on my mind all afternoon – thanks Rob.
Posted on January 17, 2011
Joshua Horowitz, I want to marry you and have your babies.
Posted on January 17, 2011
Oh I LOVE these so much. The Twister comment made me laugh out loud hahahaha. Rob, I so love your sense of humour. Too adorable for words. SO exciting hearing Rob talk about Cosmopolis. David Croenenberg you are one smart smart man. Thanks so much for posting Maria.
Posted on January 17, 2011
Yep, he really is a smart cookie that Mr Croenenberg and hardcore, no wonder Rob’s abit scared. This will be a life changing experience for him, and I’m not talking about just his place in Hollywood.
LOL Twister!