I thought Rob already had megastardom since isn’t he the hottest property in Hollywood (or anywhere else for that matter) at the moment? Â Oh well I still like the fact that Brain James (no that’s not a typo) at MetroWNY also thinks Rob has the chance to “vault himself into the realm of such great actors as Johnny Depp”:
“Robert Pattinson has been given his chance to expand his fan base and vault himself into the realm of such great actors as Johnny Depp and Tom Cruise. By replacing Colin Farrell in the movie Cosmopolis Rob Pattinson now has a film that can help him make the transition from a heartthrob in fantasy films to a serious actor in a blockbuster film.
Cosmopolis is a film based on the book written by Don DeLillo. The movie is about the story of Eric Packer, a 28 year old multi-billionaire asset manager who makes an odyssey across midtown Manhattan in order to get a haircut. During the course of the day Parker ends up betting his entire fortune in the market against the Yen and ends up in trouble with people gunning for him. The plot takes place during one days time.
Pattinson will star in the movie with Marion Cotttilard and Paul Giamati.
This is a great opportunity for Robert Pattinson to show that he is more than just a pretty face that can act in a fantasy film. I understand that Pattinson is also set to star in Water for Elephants, and that film, with a good performance, could advance his career as well, but to be the star of an action/thriller film could do more for his career. He has already shown that he can play a sensitive character with a love interest in the Twilight films so Water for Elephants won’t give us too much more of an insight into his acting ability, but if he can pull off being the star of an action/thriller then the sky is the limit for Pattinson because it means he could act in any movie regardless of character or plot.
The reason that Pattinson was cast as the lead role is because Colin Farrell decided to leave the film in order to star in a remake of Total Recall.”
I am loving these positive articles – it’s a welcome change.  I wonder if secretly there are some critics out there that were impressed with Rob’s performance as Tyler, but just didn’t want to admit that he was more than Edward in Twilight.  I’m sure Australia doesn’t have the market on the “tall poppy syndrome”.  Although the only other thing I will say  is not sure if Jacob will be another Edward, although I understand where Brain is coming from.
Posted on January 09, 2011
Brain James!! Love it
Posted on January 09, 2011
@Maria I’m loving all these articles too. Finally our Rob is receiving the recognition he trully deserves. People are finally seeing he isn’t just some sparkling vampire. He is an amazing, talented, beautiful actor. And boy do I love him :-). Thanks again Maria for a fine article.
Posted on January 09, 2011
I am LOVING all these positive articles too Maria. Makes me happy beyond words to see Rob receive the praise & recognition he so deserves. It seems people are finally opening their eyes & seeing what we have all known for a very long time – just how extremely talented Rob is. It really is about damn time too. He sure is more than just a pretty face – so so so much more. Have said it many times before & will say it again – Rob really is so very special. So talented & a truly beautiful person. Deserves all the success, praise & recognition in the world. I cannot wait for this year & all the wonderful things that it will bring him. Such a wonderful future ahead of you Rob & we’ll be here every step of the way
Thanks so much for posting Maria. Oh & as for megastardom – yep you are already there Rob!
Posted on January 09, 2011
I totally agree with you girls, it is so nice to see positive articles about Rob at long last. This article however made it very clear to me how much is at stake for Rob with this movie. All eyes will be on him to see if he can prove himself as the star of an action/thriller (I had not realised that this is an action movie) and I am sure he knows it and will be under enormous pressure. I have no doubt he can pull it off – I totally 100% believe in his talent. As Michelle said we are behind you Rob every step of the way and we know you will shine in this.
Posted on January 09, 2011
Is all I can say is it’s about bloody time!!! So going to be his year this year. Can’t wait.
Posted on January 09, 2011
What can I say? The Twilight Saga by its nature produced a curtain type of review. The silver lining for Rob is the doors it has opened for him. Now he is forcing those same critics to sit up and take notice.
The few that saw really looked at Rob’s earlier work, especially RM, were ahead of the curve, but all the critics will soon the on the same page. This is very exciting.
Posted on January 09, 2011
Yep me too loving these articles and agree with everyone here.
It took decades for Depp to carve his own path and own it, which is what makes watching Rob work so exciting. He too is on his own path and people are perking up and noticing what we’ve known all along. It’s fan-freakin-tastic!
Posted on January 09, 2011
Can’t help but smile with so many positive articles about Rob. ITA lise-lou it’s about bloody time!!! Finally the rest of the population is realising just how talented this man really is!!
Posted on January 09, 2011
2011 is definitely the Year of Rob!!
Can’t wait to see his new films…and it’s going to be so exciting to witness his rise to superstardom!! Go Rob!!
Posted on January 10, 2011
thanks Maria for standing for Remember me i just asking my self why no one talking about it and only the saga bout its nice to know that he make some people to look to him and notes how he been in work so all can say(who,s this man) and (he work withe Cronenberg)
in the end i wish him good luck in this one and we are withe him all the way