I’M BACK!!!!  OMG I cannot tell you how amazing it feels to be back at RPAU.  The site still wasn’t showing for me this morning then I got called into work *cries* When I came home & logged into the site & it appeared, I seriously cried tears of joy.  So so so so good to be home – I missed you all.  I felt so empty & lost without RPAU – incomplete.  As Maria has said, at one stage we thought we’d lost the ENTIRE site.  I’ve never felt so sick in my life. Definitely safe to say, we are VERY glad this week is over & we have our beloved RPAU back.  Thank you Maria & Vertigo for keeping me sane amongst the insanity!!  OK, here are a few of my fave gorgeous Majestic Pier pics to celebrate all of our return to RPAU.  I am just SO happy right now!
Posted on November 26, 2010
It’s great to have you back
Posted on November 26, 2010
Thank you so much Denalibcn. I cannot stop smiling
Posted on November 26, 2010
It is so good to have you all back!! I for one missed you terrible. Technology is wonderful when it works but when it dont!!! AHHHHHH!!! Thank goodness you didnt lose everything you girls have worked so hard on. That would have been tragic to say the least!
Posted on November 26, 2010
Pics are most gorgous too by the way oxox
Posted on November 26, 2010
Welcome back Michelle, My work called me in to day too, *shakes fist* oh the joys of hospitality.
Posted on November 26, 2010
Welcome back Michelle, we missed you too!!!! I absolutely adore these pics, some of my all time faves. Thank you.
Posted on November 26, 2010
I’m so happy to have you back. It is really like “Welcome home”. Of course, these pics make me smiling. Thank You for sharing these gorgeous pics.
Posted on November 26, 2010
Big Hugs Michelle. It’s brilliant to have you home where you belong.
Majestic Pier Rob is jaw dropping in his perfection.
Posted on November 26, 2010
My arms are getting so sore from shaking these maracas. Gets onto the dancing.
Thanks for the joy that is Cannes!
Posted on November 26, 2010
Thanks so much everyone *hugs* There is no place like home
Posted on November 27, 2010
Great to see you back Michelle!! I am so glad for you girls – losing all the work you’ve done here would have been so devastating. I can’t even think about it.
“thank you” is nowhere near enough for this post. Majestic Pier is in a league of its own.
Posted on November 27, 2010
are you really here?!!!!!!
I hope not to lose you again!!!!
please, don’t do it to us…. is painful!!!!
Really happy to see you, and all the soul sisters!!!
beautiful pics, ahahahaha every one is mmmh….. too much……
big, big hugs to all the ladies!!! and continue with the happy dance!!!! all together now!!!!!
Posted on November 27, 2010
surprise, I’m happy again.
I missed you
was a bit shocked
welcome back
Now I can relax and enjoy my leisure time.
how embarrassing, help, I’m addicted
Greetings from germany
Posted on November 27, 2010
BRAVO, Michelle you did it!!
Welcome back, big, big huges and kisses from México with all my heart. *muah*
Posted on November 27, 2010
Sooo happy to have you back Michelle! I was missing you like crazy! And I feared for you something awful was happening to the site… Thanks God you are all back! I’m really addicted to… jeez!
Roberta, Italy
Posted on November 27, 2010
OMG, that sixth and last one are to die for!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Michelle!
Posted on November 27, 2010
I love Rob in Cannes!!!
Posted on November 29, 2010
Welcome back RPAU!! I was getting really worried what is happening with our beloved place of worship..I thought it might be some hosting problems but as the days went by I couldn’t stop feeling depressed from your absence.Thank you for your efforts and for being here. You are amazing!