November 4th, 2010 / 20 Comments

As part of our birthday celebrations – RPAU online for 2 years celebrating Rob’s BRILLIANT career, thought I would share a montage of just a few of my fave pics from the past two years in no particular order.  Now choosing these pics was NOT easy but if I were to include all my faves I would be here for two years haha.  Enjoy everyone & thank you SO much once again for all your love & support.  We love you all!!!  Bring on 2011 & all the wonderful Rob filled years to come – I cannot wait.  Thanks to our friends & elite affie Robert Pattinson Source for the tagged pics

twilight-press-conference-8london-fan-event-70Planet Hollywood 2bafta-hq-57Comic Con 89details_3dossier010eclipse-pc-67eclipse-premiere-131georgeshqRM New York Premiere 2Inglorious Basterds 18london-premiere-beautifuledwardla-premiere-108majestic-pier-3beautiful-rob-as-jacob-2mtv-2009-88tcas-151TCA HQrob_clocktower-6vanity-fair-45rm_still_24remember-me-press-conference-33oscars-2009-70rob-on-bel-ami-set-16munich-28twilight-press-conference-83rob-mtv-awards-8tcas-18rob-as-jacob-101la-premiere-5theo-wenner-2tyler-guitartcas-2010rob-as-edward-103remember-me-premiere-388rm_still_31vanity-fair-59majestic-pier-162jacob-and-walter-first-day-on-setRemember Me London Premiere 200madrid-29Oscars 2009 119tcas-2010-2georges-madelineRob MTV Awards 11rob_at_clocktower151Rob portrait 10vanity-fair-52eddie-walk-hqtheo-wenner-1rm104dossier0023nm-press-conf-enlargeddetails3rm_still_3vanity-fair-5Oscars 116tokyo-1154-rob-portrait-2madrid-51Paris 1

Source, Source & Source

  • Debbie
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Beautiful birthday montage Michelle – 2 years yay! Love all your work but my faves have to be Tyler .

    Roll on the next 2 years 😀

  • Debbie
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Oops… Forgot Jacob & photoshoots!!! xo

  • Juliet
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Thank you! Thank you! for all the Rob gifts you give us everyday! I love your blog and I love knowing that you are here for all the robsessed fans out there. You have filled my life with many smiles and pretty pictures! Happy, Happy Birthday! I look forward to sharing another fun year with all of you at RPAustralia 🙂 Cheers!

  • Maria
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Congrats! Great site, Awesome photos!

  • Rob
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Ah Michelle – brilliant “bravo, superb”.

    And look our old site photo is your first choice.

    Bring it on Rob – bring it on!

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Thanks Rob *giggles*

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Oh WOW Michelle, a beautiful montage for a beautiful 2 years. It’s been one of those rides I’ll never forget. Woot!

    @Rob *waves* and *____________*

  • Cindy
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Pmsl@ you girls!! Too funny!! What a fab montage as usual! Love ya girls! “mwah” xoxox

  • Gillian O
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Hi Michelle. Congratulations on 2 years. I’m from Scotland and it is winter here. I read your website every day and it never fails to brighten my day. These pictures are fantastic. I agree with you Rob is beautiful inside & out. Keep up the great work. Gillian

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Hi Gillian O, welcome to RPAU & thank you so very much for your lovely comments. We appreciate them more than I can express in words. Rob sure is the most beautiful person in the world both inside & out. Just so so very special.

  • Vicky
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Thank you Michelle for your montage it truly shows the many faces of this gorgeous man. I am so excited to see what the next 2 years bring and yes i will looking forward to your montage then as well. Thanks again ladies you truly do brighten every day!!

  • minette
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    happy bithday happy place!!!

    oh, Michelle I lose all my marbles when I see him smiling,…beautiful selection….
    OMG…… I will need some hours to complete the serie…GAH!!!!! crazy about it…. thanks RPAU….make my life so nice, i wait every day for this special moment!!!!
    A big hug to all the soul sisters!!!!!

  • lids
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Great mega montage Michelle, love it
    …details…vanity fair…remember me…the clocktower…too many faves to list, if I keep going my heart will crumble

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 04, 2010

    Those first two alone make my heart ache.
    Michelle, I think you should keep posting your favorites – even if it does take another two years.
    Waves to Rob. LOL

  • Cos
    Posted on November 05, 2010

    Congratulations on two years of Rob-goodness. Tasty montage!

  • Denalibcn
    Posted on November 06, 2010

    I am late, I am sorry, But I won’t let go the oportunity to say Thank you and Congratulations RPAustralia!! You really rock!
    Proud to be a regular visitor (not commenting) and so soooo glad to have known about this site a long time ago. xxx

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 06, 2010

    Thanks you SO much Denalibcn & no need to apologise at all. Yours kinds words are just so very appreciated 😀

  • Denalibcn
    Posted on November 06, 2010

    Thank you Michelle 😉

  • foobs
    Posted on November 06, 2010

    What can I say RPAU??? In the time that I’ve been a member here, I’ve loved every minute!! The pics, videos, stories, updates and the laughs!!

    You ladies are treasures. Your hard work and commitment to Rob and his fan , is simply amazing!! And as an obsessed fan, all the time and effort you spend on our favourite boy, is very very much appreciated!! 🙂

    Can’t wait for the next two years…it’s gonna be an exciting ride!

    And to Rob, LOVE you heaps and wish you success and happiness always! So proud of you!! xxx

  • Maria
    Posted on November 06, 2010

    Thanks @foobs – we love all our regulars as well. Not that we don’t like newbies :D, but it’s nice to have this friendship thanks to Rob. He is a treasure, we will be here to promote him and cannot wait to see what new project he will thrill us with next.

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    Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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    Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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    Director: Christopher Nolan
    Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

    The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
    Director: Robert Eggers
    Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

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