I still remember the first time I saw these gorgeous pics – I adored them then & I still adore them just as much today. Â For those who may not have seen these before, they are from Rob’s appearance at the LA Premiere of Harry Potter & The Order Of The Phoenix in July 2007. Â As I have mentioned many times before, the first pic is one of my most faves ever – just so beautiful. Â Hope you’re all having a great day!
Love when you take us back Michelle. 😀
I adore the mood in the 4th one and no.1 has always been one of my faves. sigh.
Oh God I love no. 4 – it’s beautiful. Thanks Michelle – you are a woman of many talents (I thought you went out for a walk) – a walk on the wild side – clearly!
SO handsome. i feel like weeping…
LOL Maria, if only. This was one that I prepared earlier 😀
LOL Maria!
Oh I had to come back and have another look – I mean really I was just following orders Michelle – you did use the post title “let’s go back” – so I did!
OMG!! Rob and jewellery!!! I have had to go back again and again and again and again…..
Thanks for the pics Michelle – my day has just got a whole lot better, that 1st one has to be one of my faves !!!
He is beautiful. The first one is stunning and that last one, just love the expression on his face!!!! Thanks Michelle.
Had to believe it was four years ago. I agree, the fourth pic is the best; as much as I love Rob smiling, he is beautiful when pensive.
I love bed-hair….. and beautiful expressions…his eyes.. I just keep looking lo all this pictures!!
thanks, girls
2007 was a lovely year. 🙂 And he grows more and more handsome. Must agree…that 4th photo is beautiful. *sigh*
too georgeous!!thanks ladies