Maria – Vertigo & myself wanted to do a special little post to wish you a very Happy Birthday. We hope you have the most wonderful day ever. You truly deserve it. Outtake powers that be, any chance you could be kind & release some new Rob pics? It is Maria’s Birthday afterall!
Enjoy Maria & here’s a little something from Tyler.
nawwww thats so sweet. Sooooo Maria are you 22?? *giggles* xx
Happy Birthday Maria. xx
A very happy birthday Ms Maria *just getting cake out of the oven*! Thank you for all your wonderful work and have a wonderful day – it’s even a Friday!
I’m getting all teary (and you all know that doesn’t happen often) LOL! Thanks so much Michelle & Vertigo. The one thing (or perhaps more than one) I can truly thank Rob for is that somehow I became involved with this RPAU and met some amazing people. Thank you firstly Rob and thank you to all of you – especially Michelle and Vertigo (my partners in crime).
Yes Sare 22! I wish – oops no in case Rob’s reading – yes I’m 22 hahahaha and IF ONLY Tyler was here to blow out my candles!
Enjoy today everyone. I know works going to whip me so I’m in and out 😀
ENJOY every minute of today!!!! Tyler “sigh”, oh you lucky, lucky girl!!
Have a wonderful birthday Maria.
When that nasty work whips you go to your ‘happy place’ (which we all know includes Rob!!) and all will be well.
On this your special day let the world know you’re you!!! 😀
Happy Birthday to You…Happy Birthday to You…Happy Birthday to Maria…Happy Birthday to You! *throws confetti* 😀
So nice that Tyler rocked up to help blow out your candles. 😀
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA! have a wonderful day, you deserve all the amazing that comes your way. You ROCK!
Wow 22 I actually thought it was 21…..(again) 🙂
Sending you lots of love and hugs today Maria hope it is a special one…sorry you are at work though – should be damn illegal to work on your birthday!
Thanks for all the work and love you put into this site, you always manage to put a smile on my face (or 12) every day.
Cheers to you *clinks glass*
Nice work Michelle and Vertigo…you made her cry! WOOT!!!!
It’s our pleasure Maria, truly it is. You deserve it all 😀 Bring on the end of the working day so you can enjoy & celebrate properly. I agree lise-lou – it should be illegal to work on your birthday. Should be an automatic day off.
ohhhh Baby 22!!! happy birthday from Spain!! what a wonderfuul day!!!
Have a great birthday Maria! You deserve it 🙂