Mark Kermode of The Guardian is clearly a very smart man (and I will ignore that he has called Rob R-Patz grrr). Yes, Bela Lugiosi’s Dracula is there in esteemed company with Rob’s Edward Cullen as is Gary Oldman’s Dracula and of course Max Schrek’s Nosferatu.  See Mark – you are very clever to confirm that Rob’s Edward is definitely far better than LeStat (although I did like Tom’s portrayal of LeStat):
“Robert Pattinson, The Twilight Saga (2008-)
Hard to credit, perhaps, but Stephenie Meyer’s blockbusting gothic romances have made R-Patz the most successful screen vampire of all time, outselling previous title holders Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt in the Anne Rice adaptation Interview With the Vampire. Hardened horror aficionados may balk, but hordes of Twi-hard fans have swooned to Edward Cullen’s otherworldly charms, marvelling at the way his skin glitters in the sunlight, and dreaming of dying (and being reborn) in his sensitively pallid arms. Chastity never seemed so attractive.”
Mark just so you know, and I’m sure you do, there are more than just Twi-hard fans who appreciated Rob’s Edward – really there is. Oh if you want to read the full article, just click on the link above.
Posted on July 12, 2010
You are one smart man Mark but yep as Maria said, might want to leave the name ‘R-Patz’ out of it next time. Grr I really do hate that name. Thanks so much for posting this Maria, great to see Rob’s Edward amongst this great list. As we all know, he truly deserves to be there. As we have said so many times before, no one could ever have played the character of Edward as brilliantly or perfectly as Rob has & is – no one. Love your gorgeous pic choice too Maria.
Posted on July 12, 2010
Oh Edward dazzling on a Monday morning, a sign this is going to be a good week.
Posted on July 12, 2010
Yes! Amazing week it is going to be. Um can someone please send me the 75,000 names of the morons who commenced that ridiculous petition – I would personally like to send this article to each and every one of them.
Posted on July 12, 2010
Oh yes Maria – I want to shove it in their stupid faces. Grrr everytime I think about those morons it makes my blood boil. How stupid do you look now people!! How could you ever doubt Rob, seriously how?
Is going to be a good week indeed Vertigo – can feel it
Posted on July 12, 2010
Totally agree girls and yes the week has startd off fabulously got my Remember Me dvd from sanity today and I am one happy girl
Posted on July 12, 2010
Very smart man except for the use of the nickname. Have to say this is one of my most fave Edward photos. Absolutely gorgeous. There is no one else who could have done this character justice. Definitely great start to the week. Enjoy RM Cindy, watched mine last night. Rob as Tyler, just beautiful.