Jeff Bayer speaks with Rob who brings us some precious moments I’ve not seen before. Ignore the background noise at the beginning and the end, just zone in on Rob which is what we around here do best. Oh and I agree, cutting out the last question was insane – if you listen real close though, you will hear Rob’s answer. Won’t spoil, but I do hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Hope everyone’s day is going great guns, I know I can’t focus since Rob in a tux has surfaced – thanks Rob.
Thanks to the Scorecard Review who’s clip I won’t post as it comes up on automated play which could slow down some people’s PC’s … and our affies RPlife for the Youtube version.
LOL Vertigo – I love the post title and yes “Edward wouldn’t do that”. Agree if you ignore clutter this one is quite good – except for them cutting Rob off – RUDE!
Oh Vertigo having a lot of trouble focusing today. Can’t imagine why lol!!! Enjoyed this once we got to the interview. Can’t believe they cut off Rob’s answer to the last question. That is just too rude!!! Rob as always, perfect.
Thanks Vertigo for posting this clip – Rob is sooo adorable in this, saying his favourite place is London YAY!
Loved the little random questions at the end. And love it when they ask him about music, YAY i love Van Morrison! Rob has the best taste in music. I always seem to get excited when ever they ask a question about Bad Ass Cops 😀
Thanks so much for this one Vertigo. Really enjoyed listening to Rob’s adorable answers, oh & of course his giggles. Grrrrrrr to them cutting him off. Talk about damn rude! Rob should never ever be cut off – ever!