Oh yeah well let’s wait until the movie’s almost released before we spoil you all with pics of Rob. I can’t help but think they are both looking up thinking “who the hell is that character I don’t remember them in the book”. Anyway here’s another new still and of course the still we really want. Thanks to Everglow for the pic.
And how we want Rob to be in Eclipse
Dear Stephenie why didn’t you finish Midnight Sun instead of wasting time with that novella about a character we really don’t even care about.
Now that film I would love to see split into two!
Oh touche’ Maria, put me down for every screening and copy of the Midnight Sun dvd thanks.
Ah now the second one is exactly what we want. YES – finish Midnight Sun Stephanie. No complaints from me at all if that film was split into two – would love it. Yep every screening is right Vertigo & would need the DVD ASAP! LOL Maria, your comment made me laugh about their expressions. Tis true.
Midnight Sun… those two words always make me sad 🙁 That would be the best book in the series I reckon!
I’d love it if she did finish Midnight Sun and for it be made into a movie!!! I’m sure we’d line up for miles for that one. Second picture, exactly as it should be.
Midnight Sun is a very interesting read. I’d love read the whole saga from Edward’s point of view. However, Rob may be 30 before SM decides to complete the most anticipated draft ever. Although I hate that Rob is locked into the extended Twi series, I WILL NOT have anyone else play Edward.
So please finish the book Stephanie, but no movie, I beg you.
@Carmel SM is adamant she’s never going to finish Midnight Sun and I would have to believe it – otherwise she would have cashed in on it by now. I doubt she can be bothered, but personally I think that would have been the best book of the whole series.