Thanks to E1FilmsCanada, we have an extended version of the Eclipse clip we saw at the MTV Movie Awards & this one features more Edward – woo hoo! So so good to see they are starting to give us more Rob. He is what we want to see! Eclipse is getting so close now. Really am looking forward to seeing Rob as Eddie again.
Loving more Eddie!!!! Is it June 30 yet????? Can’t wait.
Thank god for more edward! I love his whole “of course not”!
oh he is so angry and it’s so freakin hot!
I know @lise-lou I know. Me loves angry Edward. Ooh the thought of angry Georges is getting me excited as well (sorry couldn’t help myself).
Oh god Angry Georges *thud* is there something wrong with us? LOL
LOL lise-lou! Angry Georges 😀 Just CANNOT wait! LOVE angry Rob.
LOL @lise-lou – nope – it seems to be a general consensus that angry Rob is mighty fine Rob. Hell Rob being Rob is a mighty fine Rob. Oh I better take those rose coloured glasses off …. yep still mighty fine!