I thought these two new puzzle images were new, but they aren’t really – they are just variations of previous Edward promo pics. What’s the deal with that? Everyone else gets the solo poster – I’m still waiting for Edward solo – I mean I’m going to harp on about this forever, but why the hell does Riley even become a main player in the movie? He’s in the book for what 8 pages (give or take). I’m not feeling very comfortable about this film. There seems to be a conspiracy to promote everyone else other than Rob (I know he doesn’t need it, but he IS the only reason I watch these movies). Bring on Bel-Ami and W4E – and sorry but cannot wait to say goodbye to this saga.
Maria…yeah, what is the deal, what about Rob – who in the hell cares about Riley (no offence intended)
I have to admit I love the saga, but as I said before for the books only. If Rob wasn’t playing in it I would probably never watch the movies itself.
Bring on W4E and Bel Ami, now that’ll be a treat.
P.S. and yes, they are all the same
Yes Maria i totally agree. We all know on here what a fabulous talent he is. But like you, Rob is the only reason i even watch these movies. Bring on all the other fabulous rolls he is going to play.
Not having new solo promo pics of Edward is just plain ludicrous. Rob expands the fan base beyond the standard tween flick and Summit must know that.
Am I being too naive to hope the reason we are missing these is because Rob has been working on his other projects when they did these Eclipse clutter promo stills?
I am looking forward to Eclipse. I was scared too after NM, but Angry Eddie has me believing again. And it is my favourite book.
I do not understand at all this lack of Edward promo & I definitely do NOT like it. I will never understand why Riley who is as you say Maria, only in the book for like a blink of an eye is receiving all this promo & attention. Whoever decided he was important enough for a solo poster needs their head read. Since when is he an important character? When are the promo peoples ever going to learn that it is ROB that we want to see, no one else. Like you all, he is the one & only reason why I even watch these movies. Without him I have zero interest. Come on people – you can do better than these recycled pics *shakes head* Just cannot wait for the day when the saga is done & dusted & Rob is free to move onto other roles like BA, W4E & all the other amazing ones he chooses. Will be heaven 😀
Touche’ Sista! These are not new and not all the saga watchers are gullable enough to believe it either. Apparently we are a minority since we don’t seem to be catered to. Sigh. This promotion could be SO MUCH MORE if they actually had half a clue as to what’s what. Do we really need to get to know Riley? He annoyed me in the book and he’s annoying me now, before I’ve even sat down to watch. *grumbles*
Hey Carmel, my fave book too so fingers are still crossed – even though the promotion seems to be pushing another version. Time will tell.
Have to agree with everyone!! Don’t care what anyone says, Rob is definitely the star of these movies and to have so little solo promo stuff is insulting!!! Have seen a poster on the internet that is sold through Walmart in America haven’t heard anything of it out here though. More Edward can’t be too much to ask.
P.S My fave book as well!!
Twiboy? Come on…..do they make something with Dogboys on it? I mean really!
The only explanation I can think of re Rileygate is that he is going to do another movie with Summit and they are trying to lift his profile. No idea if that is the case but can’t see any other reason they are doing the promo that way.
No harping on Maria you just speak the truth 🙂
I know @Lise-Lou the watermarking is really annoying. Um just because they bought the puzzle doesn’t mean they own copyright to the image. Seriously.