MTV have an exclusive look at a the “new cover for “Fame: Robert Pattinson,” as well as an exclusive preview of interior art from the comic. Arriving on shelves in May, the 32-page comic promises to “trace Pattinson’s career from his first performance in Tess of the D’Urbervilles at London’s Barnes Theatre to his star turn in the Twilight movies.” I’m not sure if it will be available instore in  Australia and I’m still trying to find out, so once I know when and where, I will let you all know. It’s an interesting concept to actually bring Rob’s bio in comic book form. Clever people at Bluewater Productions. Here’s a look at the pics but if you want to read more of the article, click on the MTV link above.
Posted on February 02, 2010
I’m not sure I would like that..?
Posted on February 02, 2010
it does sound interesting though