Okay so a few of you have asked me to keep going – so here’s a few more reasons why Rob is best dressed. Thanks to our friends and elite affiliates Robert Pattinson Source for some of these HQ pics.
What the hell was wrong with me - I didn’t include Rome Rob in my previous post, but more importantly how was he no. 39 in 2008 looking like this!
Still elegant to me even with the beanie – oh God the arms *____________________*
The best birthday present you could get – well I could get better but I’m not delusional
Nick I see you there in the background
 Yep this pic alone should have had him that title back in 2008. D&G your statement should have been “the true essence of a contemporary man”
Rome and Mexico in the one post, have mercy Maria! It’s 38 deg here today and now this. Someone bring me some ice *swoon*
Still waiting for that damn fan!! *grabs* bag of ice and barely manages to throw some at LL.
Maria, you do spoil us & we love every minute. No words to describe how beautiful these pics are, just none *collapses*
NEED DESPERATELY SOME AIR….without any doubt rome is the hottest city….
OMG! Rome stare……
And yes Maria ‘oh GOD the arms!’
Here Spunk, you can use my spare oxygen tank.
oh thank you vertigo…what can i do for u?????
Rome Rob should always be #1 on any lists. However Sex Drive Rob just might tie. Bennie Rob is elegant and so hot