I know we have already seen this great still before, but seeing how much we all love ‘BCA’ & how excited we are about seeing New Moon, I thought I would share this with you all tonight. Am starting to sound like a broken record I know lol – but I just cannot wait to see this movie. Thanks to our great affiliate MrPattinson
My morning just got better! What a beautiful still from NM. Oh, the waiting to see this movie….
Thanks Michelle.
i agree. This movie is gonna ROCK. =) love this pic
Play that record as much as you like Michelle, especially if it’s going to make the 42 days go faster!!!!
Thanks for posting Michelle, but how did you get a still of the dream that I always have of Rob chasing me through the woods. Oh damn, that’s right it’s Bella not me, I could never pull off that girly dress – hahaha.
I love this pic and can’t wait for the movie either; btw the movie production decided to show the movie two days in advance on the 18th of November, don’t know why ….. maybe we (Italian fans) are to crazy to wait for too long!!! lmao XD
P.S.: I’d love to run with him in the woods!!! 😉 don’t you?!
LOL Maria!! I’ll wear the damn dress if it means Rob, me and the woods!
That’s cool Stefania (the 18th), it’s a good thing Australia is one day ahead of the rest of the world otherwise I’d be shaking my fist at Summit.
@Vertigo – LOL if only it was as easy as wearing that dress!
@Stefania that’s great 18th so we can compare notes. Oh except Emily and Alex *thanks Vertigo for reminder* you can’t read the site since you won’t be seeing it until the weekend. No spoilers allowed.
@Maria & Vertigo – LOL, so so true.
That is so great that you get to see NM on the 18th Stefania, woo hooo!!! Yep we shall definitely keep the site a spoiler free zone for you Emily & Alex 😀
Oh my God I can wait to see the movie in my town in Kansas, but every day I refresh my eyes with this pages and my Rob.