Michelle that pic of Rob is one of my favourites too from the GoF premiere, but I thought I might share my absolute fave. That look, that smile, the messy unbuttoned shirt … I love the fact that you and I usually have different faves and I’m sure our followers do too since they get a double dose of Rob. Enjoy Friday people – the weekend is almost here!
LOL. Ofcourse we love our double dose Maria!!
Feeling so inspired right now…
I LOVE this pic!!! My fave too Maria for all the reasons you mentioned thanks for posting 🙂
Oh. this one is gooood. Just as well, because my kids take over the PC on weekends, so these photos from Michelle and Maria have do do me till Sunday night. Thank you girls ( now where’s my phone? )
OMG ….. I almost faint! This guy is so sexy and elegant, too much for just one guy 🙂
Why for the love of God, am I soooo old!!! 😉
@Stefania never say too old – remember that!
i love the messy shirt too 😀
PS WARNING my vatar will be showing lol
LOL thanks for the warning Sare! How I love looking at all your gravatars in a row. So so gorgeous 😀
LOL Sare – warning warning warning – Rob alert Rob alert Rob alert!
Absolutely Beautiful!
he has such cool, unique style! Its so Rob. and he manages to pull anything off.
That is a seriously awesome red jacket. Oh and that unbuttoned shirt…….
I can’t seem to get enough of this face today. *le sigh*
@Vertigo – I agree. Such a beautiful face. So good to come back to after being out.