OK so I just thought I would check The LA Times Hollywood Backlot website again just in case more photos had been added. Wasn’t really expecting any as we have been so very spoilt already today but what did I find – yep another gorgeous Rob photo bringing it to a total of 21 new Rob photos today.  Can we possibly be any more spoilt? Oh & David, as Maria said earlier – if there are any outtakes from this shoot please feel free to share them with us all. Thank you so much once again & by the way, you really are awesome.
“please sir, may i have some more?” lol
@Sare – LOL, yes please we certainly would love some more. So glad to hear that these pics are helping to make you smile 😀
There can never be too much Rob NEVER! Is it 5pm yet!
Exactly Maria – never ever can there be too much Rob. Roll on 5pm for you.
WOW we are being sooooo spoilt today, is it wrong to still be so greedy 🙂
How lucky have we been today!!
@Lise-Lou – LOL nope not wrong at all to be still feeling greedy. I feel the same. As we know, when it comes to Rob there can never ever be enough. Am thinking about the more Eddie pics that will be coming, seeing NM & then imagine when we see the Remember Me trailer for the first time, some Tyler pics & then the actual movie. Ah, the thought of that is just too much – just absolutely cannot wait 😀
@Temajin- certainly have been so very lucky today that is for sure.
@Maria happy happy times ahead 😉
I don’t know what more to say, this is bliss defined.