This morning’s pic, and how good was Goz’s version, had me thinking about some of my other favourite photoshoot pics and I remembered how much I loved Michael Allen Jones’ pic for Carla Meyer’s article in The Sacramento Bee – “Q&A: ‘Twilight’ is beyond the pale for young star“. So I went back and reread the article because I remembered it was so classic Rob, and it too brought a smile to my face:
“CM:Â Did you do anything physically to prepare for the role? I mean, apart from staying out of the sun …
Rob:Â Um, well, I’m from England, so I am kind of pasty anyway, and it’s not really sunny in Oregon, where we were shooting. I (also) worked out with a boxing trainer, just to get, you know, a body. (laughs) “
I miss Rob. Hopefully, we see some old Rob in any New Moon press conferences/interviews we will undoubtedly see soon, but if you want to read the article to reminisce just click on the link.
Posted on September 20, 2009
I just love this photo Maria, thanks so much for posting. Has been such a long time since I read this article, so good to see it again – so classic Rob for sure. I miss Rob too & all his great & adorable answers to the questions. I really hope we get to see some old Rob in the upcoming New Moon press too. Nothing like some classic Rob, always makes me smile.
Posted on September 21, 2009
aww classic Rob, I miss him too! Fingers crossed and look forward to more adorable Rob moments in the future.
Posted on September 21, 2009
You know, from my observations of the way that it is turning out, I don’t think that we will see much of Rob in the New Moon promos. They seem to be really pushing Taylor and Kristen out there….
I miss Rob too. I hope that they haven’t polished him too much because I love the randomness…
Posted on September 21, 2009
@Ahhgee – agree. I hear Rob has already taped some interviews for NM on his own, apparently, but agree we won’t get anywhere near what happened for Twilight, which is a shame. I too hope that it’s impossible to change Rob’s character regardless of the media training because his “randomness” is part of the attraction for me.