How great was Michelle’s earlier pic of Eddie. That is one of my favourites scenes – “Well I could always make you” – yes please Eddie. So not surprising then that I too am still feeling in a New Moon Eddie mood and contrary to TeamEdwardPOV‘s opinion I’m really not trying to kill us but I think you might be right – he is a “deathly weapon”! Enjoy everyone and if you want to see full screen version, please go to our Gallery. Don’t worry Vertigo – brown paper bags for hyperventilation are on their way – imagine this on big screen *I is dead* – lol.
LOL- a ‘deathly weapon’ is right. I am definitely going to be needing one of those brown paper bags Maria. I saw the trailer on TV this morning & nearly collapsed so imagine seeing Rob on the big cinema screen. Maria & Vertigo – how are we going to cope?! LOL!!!
You are so trying to kill me. I think this website is made to kill people quitely. Using a word that I learnt today (insidious onset meaning unknown cause), I think you are murdering people in what seems like an insidious onset…
LOL Emily – I am so BUSTED!!!!!!!
I’ll take 100 brown paper bags thanks!
No speak no more *weeps*
LOL Vertigo – is that the Jeopardy Special. Twilight for 100 thanks!
Michelle, there will be no coping… it’ll be hanging on for dear sweet life!
LOL Maria!
LOL you & me both Vertigo! We may have to spread our big screen experiences out a little bit. Just so it gives us time to recover in between lol
oh forgot to mention… and the rest Maria. How many times will we be putting ourselves through the big screen experience.
upon risking another looksy at this heavenly picture posted above, it really is a work of art isn’t it. I call it the “be all end all of everything”.
deadly..thats what these pics are. I swear my heart just missed a beat. Lol not long now.. =D but its ok. If this was the last thing i ever saw..i would be
@Alex – agree. You would definitely think you were on your way to heaven!
Hey guys thanks for making this site! You’re too cool! 🙂 🙂 But would like to know where is Ritz? I’m guessing that’s somewhere in Syd or Melb 🙁 I’m in Adelaide…. sob*… LOL
M&M ARE trying to kill us so they can have Rob to themselves!! We are onto you LOL