After yesterday’s great photos of Rob on the Eclipse set as Eddie, here we have a bit more Eddie to kick off our weekend with. This still is ‘BCA” but as Rob is not the main focus in this one (insane I know) he is a bit blurry. I really do love this one of Eddie though, such a great photo. Have to say, those eyes of Jane’s are very freaky, just as well I am only focusing on Rob lol. Is so good that we are starting to see some stills from New Moon. Let’s hope we get to see some more of the Rob/Eddie variety very soon. Thanks to our affiliate Robert Pattinson Source.
Such a tease Michelle – you know I can’t wait for this scene. Don’t do it Eddie – she’s not worth it – LOL.
hahaha Maria! You must be channeling Eddie again.
You’re right Michelle, Jane’s eyes are freaky, which makes me kinda glad they might actually pull off the scarey aspect of the scene.
Rob ofcourse is doing great as Eddie, looking like the naughty vamp boy being led to the Headmaster’s office after getting busted down by the clocktower.
lol @Maria and Vertigo.
Jane looks hell scary hope NM won’t be too scary for me too watch (believe it or not I was scared to watch Twilight the 1st time in case it was too scary – lol – had to remind myself that 12 year olds watch it!).
Really looking forward to more stills of Edward in the lead up, thanks for sharing Michelle 🙂
LOL @ lise-lou – the only thing scary about Twilight was the bad script. Sorry – not a fan of Melissa’s not a fan. She stifles our poor Rob – he can only do what he can with what he’s given – so I suppose the roles are a challenge in that respect. No wonder they asked him to ad lib a few
Hi girls, lovely photo and yeah, Jane does look freaky…saw the trailer from New Moon today and, what can i say…it looks a bit boring…*ducks head from pitchforks and frisbees*. loved the bits with Rob in it but the trailer stopped at Jacob’s leap and changing into a wolf…no Eddie taking his shirt off!! GAH!! what were they thinking? once again, was only away about a day and found all the new posts…how do you do it!!
@Tess I can’t believe you only saw the trailer today – really? It’s been out since the MTV Movie Awards and it’s even on our sidebar. Do you mean you saw it on big screen first time? Oh and don’t have to duck head here – we are a Rob site not Twilight so everyone undoubtedly will agree with you. When Eddie leaves Bella and until he comes back under the clocktower (or I believe we may glimpse him in Rio) – we will – in the wise words of Eddie “have to endure it” – LOL!
lol Maria completely agree with you 🙂 I like Twilight but I love Rob in his other roles much more *ducks the pitchforks and frisbees that missed Tess*
yay my new gravatar is here already. sorry had to change it already!
Um sorry LL but we still see your old gravatar from yesterday. So hasn’t updated everywhere yet. And why are you insisting about the pitchforks and frisbees??? Last time I Looked the site was called “Robert Pattinson Australia” not “Twilight Pattinson” – LOL.
@Maria I will change it so often it will prob give you whiplash. LOL the pitchforks and frisbees might come from the lurking twihards that may be or not be out there *waves*. Not that I am paranoid or anything – much 😉
Don’t worry TessANZ, I’m already resigned to the fact that while Eddie’s not on screen, my eyes will be glued to the ceiling cause the last thing I want to do is have to watch a bunch of under age wolf boys prancing around with their shirts off. Well they’re under age to me anyway. No fair.
Ok maybe I’ll tune in when Bella jumps off the cliff. lol
@Vertigo – don’t forget I think we might be getting Eddie in Rio flashback. And so agree about wolfboys – sorry do nothing for me, but you have to feel sorry for them – look what they have to compete with 😀
@Maria – don’t worry, I’ll keep one eye on the top corner of the screen for the flashbacks and moments where Eddie’s in Bella’s head.
I know, I do feel sorry for them… poor things. lol