I know we have been waiting for some new “Eddie” stills and here are two that have surfaced today. They aren’t large, but at least no watermarks. Thanks to Amanda Bell of Twilight Examiner. If you want to see the non-Rob stills and read Amanda’s article just click on the link. Oh I know the first one is sort of clocktower, but Summit please release the ones we want – lol.
Ah Maria, these stills are so so good. Just cannot wait to see Rob as Eddie again. LOL – yes please Summit, more of the ones we want please.
omg I’m soooo excited! I can’t wait. Even though the second pic he looks deranged..these are still really good pics.
Omg edward in pain..:(
stupid jane..>:(
can’t wait to november..(:
Alise you made me laugh – yeah Jane – pick on someone your own size!!
You would look deranged too if you had to put up with whiney indecisive Bella – hahaha. OK i’m only kidding, just couldn’t resist.
Beautiful stills from NM. Looking forward to seeing the film.
Thanks Michelle.
LOL Maria! on all accounts.
Eddie in pain = Rob gets to use his acting chops = Yay!
Yes please Summit, put me down for more of the good stuff too – with or without the shiny effects, I’ll take it.
sexy eddie!
i agree vertigo. we need more clocktower stils!!
LOl @ Maria you say what some of us think but not brave enough to post!! *stirs the pot just a little bit* tee hee
went to the movies today and got so excited to see a new moon poster “coming soon” in the foyer! had a little dance of excitement, my friends rolled their eyes at me *sigh*
Ha Lise-lou I did the same thing. Saw the poster and made the hubby walk back into the foyer so he could see it too. Needless to say he wasn’t impressed when he realised what I wanted him to look at. heehee. I was chuffed anyway. I love Eddie and can’t wait to see him again.
I’m with you Maria re your Bella comments. She drives me crazy. Yes, can’t wait till November and I also do the staring at the posters when at the movies. I have 2 young sons and they and my hubby think I’m certifiable LOL!!
Omg i just can’t wait 2 see NEW MOON but man the last pic looks too scary!