For those who may have missed Rob at Comic-Con (I will need a written explanation of why that is by the way unless it’s because you couldn’t hear him over the 6000 screaming fans)Â have posted an article quoting Rob’s answer on his favourite scene from New Moon:
“I think my breakup scene was my favorite scene. I mean, hopefully it’ll come off as having quite a few more levels than the relationship in ‘Twilight’. It was interesting. It was like a five page long dialogue scene. That didn’t happen at all in the first one and it’s quite an interesting little moment. It completely bypasses all the supernatural elements of the story, as well, which I found quite interesting.”
Rob it’s one of my favourite scenes too, but then we have to bloody read about Jacob – boo hiss – until the clocktower that is (Rob that’s really my favourite scene but that shouldn’t be a surprise to you – right). Thanks to NewMoonMovie for the tip.Â
Thanks for posting this Maria. Those damn screams at Comic Con were so annoying. Am really surprised Rob isn’t deaf by now.
As you know, the break up scene is one of my fave scenes too. Cannot wait to see that one, is going to be so great & very sad. It is going to be very hard to sit through all the Jacob parts in between. I will be anxiously awaiting for the clock tower scene, how I am looking forward to that one too – like Maria said, no surprises there lol.
I’d like to say something interesting to go along with Rob’s interesting story but can’t… because OMG it’s going to be like Christmas for the looong Rob/Eddie dialogue in the break up scene – then New Years Eve for the clocktower!
I just hopt they get it right. “It will be as if I never existed” as if. Like that could ever happen. Will definatley need the tissues.