I thought this might be a good time to reflect on what Rob has achieved over the last 6 months. He definitely started the year off at a slower pace – how excited did we get when we finally saw him at the Vogue Dinner in London in Feb – hence the first photo. Well he truly made up for that in the last 3 months and don’t we know it Michelle – again I still haven’t recovered form Majestic Pier, Cannes. Anyway, instead of me speaking I thought a picture montage of Rob would be far more appreciated (I may have missed a few pics, but you get the idea). Enjoy and a big thanks to Michelle for helping me go through and remembering what Rob actually did. LOL don’t know about you Rob, but I’m definitely exhausted.
Posted on July 30, 2009
Thank you so so much for putting this amazing photo montage together for us all Maria. It looks fantastic. Absolutely gorgeous. Very glad to be able to assist. Rob has done some wonderful things this year & put in such a lot of hard work on each of them. LOL, Cannes was most definitely a big one that’s for sure Maria. Am still recovering from that too.
Have to say how so very especially excited I am about seeing Rob in Remember Me. Even more so after looking at these pics all together. He really has worked so hard for this movie & is going to be brilliant as Tyler. I just cannot wait to see him in this role. He has such an amazing talent & I cannot wait for all the great things that are to come for him this year & in the future.
Posted on July 31, 2009
Thanks Maria and Michelle
Posted on July 31, 2009
Thanks heaps for this, this is such a good start to the day, especially cos it’s Fri, hope everyone has a great weekend – especially Rob. Hope he gets to do nothing.
Posted on July 31, 2009
@temajin – agree
Posted on July 31, 2009
Ditto – these are awesome. Well done girls. We love your work and of course Rob’s. How would we make it through the day without you!!!
Posted on July 31, 2009
Thanks everyone – glad you have enjoyed it. Yep it took me a few hours to sift through choose and upload the photos – it was a tough job – but someone had to do it! Bet you can’t wait for the let’s review Rob’s entire year!
Posted on July 31, 2009
Thank you Maria a wonderful way to have breakfast and my morning coffee, I am calm now and relaxed. I don’t know if it’s the Aussie girl in me but Rob in a Beanie is just so sexy, I have to say my favorite photo’s are of Beanie Rob.
Posted on July 31, 2009
This is so awesome, but with the 15th photo – how is Rob’s arm doing that? I’ve been staring at it for ages trying to work out how his hand could be behind his shirt like that lol is there a hole in it or something? My brain hurts xD
Posted on July 31, 2009
I to want to say a big thank you for this amazing post…. A great way for me to start my weekend. Thank you Michelle and Maria for your hard work and dedication to Rob… you guy’s and this site are simply the best.
Posted on July 31, 2009
@ Maria, please give a warning when you are doing a year in review….. I don’t think my heart could coupe without the warning
Posted on July 31, 2009
those pictures of Rob are fantastic, his smile is so beautiful and his whole presence is just amazing, once again, thanx 4 those pictures…u made my day & weekend..i always need my daily fix of Rob. Pattz…….
Posted on July 31, 2009
Thank you thank you! Loved this and enjoy your site each day. x
Posted on July 31, 2009
Again thanks everyone. Rob is definitely something to celebrate.
@Liz – its an illusion, the shirt is actually billowing because of the wind. Rob’s not doing any fancy tricks there.
@Tonie – warning – should be coming in January when Rob usually goes into hiding back in London. He likes to take Dec/Jan off – but who knows with all the work he’s got lined up.
Posted on July 31, 2009
@Liz – is it really sad that I knew the answer to that.
Posted on July 31, 2009
It’s been an amazing and very busy 6 months hasn’t it. Even in this small amount of time we can see how far Rob has come with his on-going projects. Thanks so much for this fabulous post.:)
LOL Maria, who could forget the wind blown shirt, you are not alone.
Posted on July 31, 2009
Maria: Thanks so much for that wonderful montage of Rob’s pictures. Ladies, your hard work on this site is very much appreciated!
I truly didn’t realise just how busy he has been over the last six months, astonishing!
A great start to my morning and those images will get me through the weekend!
Posted on July 31, 2009
Vertigo – where have you been??????
Posted on July 31, 2009
I still don’t understand the wind-blown shirt thing lol how is the shirt on the left side of his left hand? I’m probably spending too much time trying to work this out but meh lol
Posted on July 31, 2009
Thanks Maria, I’m definitely feeling really lost at the moment – very sad. I’m missing Rob. WHERE IS HERE!!! – These Photos are great!!! And I have too say I agree with Tempt and LOVE Rob in a beanie : )
Posted on July 31, 2009
Lol @ Liz – okay caught me out – Rob used to work in a circus and he is a trickster. LOL – I know it looks like it’s a trick but the shirt has somehow wrapped itself around his arm and believe me it’s because of the wind. There was a whole discussion about this pic when it first came out in April. I’m not making it up.
Posted on July 31, 2009
Hi Keti – haven’t heard from you for some time. We are all missing Rob at the moment, but at least he’s not being dogged by crazies (I hope). He’s still filming RM in NYC, but it is “in studio” work – hence why we don’t see him. We were so spoilt this last month, but unfortunately it came at a cost for Rob. Ah the beanie is gorgeous. You should search for a post I did a month or so ago where I argued how great he looked in the beanie. There is a whole vid from the lovely Cilla on Rob & his beanie. In fact I might go watch it now.
Posted on July 31, 2009
WOW that was fantastic! Thanks Michelle and Maria that must have taken ages! Now am going back to look at them all over again – very slowly!! Be back in 4 hours!
Posted on July 31, 2009
Ah it did take me hours lise-lou – as I said before – it was a hard job, but someone had to do it. I’m now gearing myself up for 2009 in Review! Keep an eye out for it in January because hopefully Rob will be back in London spending Christmas with friends and family and we may not see him for a few months.l
Posted on August 01, 2009
Ah Maria, I’ve missed you guys and Rob so much, thanks to my new juggling act of taking on further study in addition to this already hectic life. Am getting the hang of it slowly, if only they’d give me an assignment on Rob. *sigh*
It’s good to see he’s getting some invisible time (hopefully restful) from the stalkerazzi. With this in mind, I’m also ok with not getting a daily visual of what he’s up to – which is why I love this weeks posts, they allow us to take a breather and reflect on good times. Something we don’t get to do often enough.
Happy weekend all!
Posted on August 01, 2009
We have been wondering where you have been. No Rob assignments – maybe I should have a word to your lecturer. Personally with the amount of research and writing I do about Rob I could have completed my thesis for a PhD. Hmmmm – imagine going before a panel of examiners – lordy I just had a vision of Rob as Dali during his examination. Anyway – Dr Maria – can’t cure your obsesssion but can certainly give insight into all things Rob. Yep has a nice ring to it. LOL.
Posted on August 01, 2009
BTW Vertigo – we have missed you too. Happy weekend to all.
Posted on August 02, 2009
aww thanks.
Doctor Maria LOL.