June 19th, 2009 / 8 Comments

ET Online are apparently going to reveal some new “secrets” from New Moon and as soon as we can, we will post the clip.  Now I’ve been skeptical before of ET and their revelations because they don’t seem to be able to tell us anything we don’t already know, but I’ve seen a very short clip and at least they have one thing on it that I haven’t seen before (thanks to PattzDaily for the screencap).  Now this is making me want to tune in.

And while we are on the subject of New Moon, you know the juggernaut is in full swing when merchandise starts becoming available.  What do you think of the new images?.  According to Forbidden Planet you can preorder the official New Moon Desk and Wall Calendars which are due to become available on 30 July.  Thanks to NewMoonMovie.Org for the tip.

New Moon Calendar Cullen Family 



  • Michelle
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    Thanks for posting this Maria. ET have surprised me & have done very good this time with providing us with something new. Am loving that screencap & cannot wait to see the video.

    I have been wondering when a New Moon calendar was going to be available. Can definitely tell things are in full swing when the merchandise starts coming out. Am loving the new Eddie pictures. Counting down the days til November 19.

  • Athena
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    Holy… *place your divinity of choice here*…

    8O! *super. gulp*

  • Heidi
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    I pre-ordered my new moon calendar from “Gifts for the geek” along with a heap of other stuff. I was wondering if anyone knew where to get a twilight doona cover as all i have been able to purchase so far are the pillowcases (for my teenage daughter, not me – i don’t think my hubby would be THAT understanding of my Robsession haha!)

  • vertigo
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    Ooh thanks for posting the screencap and thanks for the update. I have to wonder how ET managed to get their hands on this visual before the land of internet. They must really be pulling out their big guns knowing what it means for ratings.

    Oh goodie, more merchandise. I may have to dust off the ole cc as am very curious to see what’s inside the desk calendar. The pics look really good.

  • Fuser
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    Heidi your daughter loves RPatts ?
    nice mother-daughter bond!
    so..you are another Twilight mum?

  • Heidi
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    Hello Fuser, yes definitely mother daughter twilight bond though i am pleased to say i discovered the phenomenom before she did haha! (Thanks to my hubby buying me the hard cover series of books for my birthday, stupid man – if he knew the outcome i think he may not have bothered)She is 13 and a twin to her brother who is not a fan. I also have a 16 year old son (also not a fan) so yes, i am pleased to share this with my gorgeous girl! My boys tell me i am far too old (at 38) to be infatuated with Rob but hey, age is just a number!

  • vanessa
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    i am buying that calender hehe

  • Pippa
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    Hello Heidi, I just love your comment and it made me laugh!

    I’m a Twilight Mum and proud of it! My hubby’s definately a Twilight Widower, he doesn’t know it nor would he recognise the phenomenon of our Rob. My grown daughter is a fan (I got there first too….yes!) and is coming with me to see NM. I’ve actively encouraged my friends to enjoy and reinvent their lives along with me and to date it’s working for them too! As you say age is relative, today I feel 21 inside!

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