I wish I could say that I’m surprised, but I’m not. ET claimed they were going to have extended footage of their behind the scenes set visit to New Moon earlier this year. You remember them – ET dragged them out over 3 or 4 days when they could have just shown us the whole thing in one show. Well guess what – that’s exactly what this extended footage is – all of the videos together and a bit of the New Moon trailer thrown in for good measure (there might be slight changes, but not exactly what I was expecting). Very good ET – you clearly needed a ratings boost and knew that all Rob fans would tune in.  Well I guess we get to see Rob looking relaxed and happy again – which is always a bonus and hear him say “well Edward is wealthier” which still brings a smile to my face – lol. Thanks to YouTube user ljpl1 (I couldn’t embed the ET one, but it was 2am!)
Who could forget the dragging out of the clips during those 4 days of tease. I’d felt like I missed parts even though it had all been posted as the event unfolded. Shame on them.
I’m glad you posted this clip, [2am struggle] – it’s worth it just to see Rob’s laugh at the end. 🙂