Amanda Bell from wrote an article about Sam Bradley’s shows in LA on 25 and 26 May. Since it’s another quiet day I thought I would post a clip of Sam performing the song that he co-wrote with Rob recently. Now the clip that was used in Amanda’s article has been removed, but I’ve found another one thanks to YouTube user jOcOse.  During the introduction of the song Sam says “it’s a true story to someone” and as Michelle and I suspected, although he doesn’t say it here, the song is autobiographical. Sam confirmed this at his show on 30 May and it makes sense that Rob would be able to help him write it. I wonder if this is one of the songs Rob spoke about “composing” for a soundtrack – I’m hoping it might turn up on Remember Me. Although “composing” rather than singing has me thinking could that be the music for the CD he gives Bella for her birthday in New Moon? Always teasing Rob, always teasing – in any event Rob working on a song is always “music to my ears” .
If you want to read the full article please click here.
Wow, very telling for an autobiographical composition. Great find Maria!
I’m also hoping the soundtrack is for “Remember Me” and as an added bonus, Rob may (wishful thinking) just sing the song himself. A girl can dream no? I know I know, he won’t be singing but it’s still good to see Rob keeping in touch with his sweet music making.