March 20th, 2009 / 9 Comments

Here is a ‘behind-the-scenes’ clip from Little Ashes. This segment is entirely in Spanish Catalan, so if anyone can translate..we’d really appreciate it.  The most interesting bit is probably watching Rob, clapping like there’s no tomorrow at the end of the clip. LOL.

Thanks to lovely Kate for the link!

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 20, 2009

    Thank you so much for posting this Cilla 😀 I really enjoyed watching this even though it was in Spanish. It would be great if someone could translate. I’d love to know what was being said. I love Rob’s clap at the end LOL 😀

  • vertigo
    Posted on March 20, 2009

    Thanks Cilla. I love me some Spanish sounds and now wish I had of used my how to speak Spanish disc I purchased 3 years ago that is still in it’s original wrapper.

    Rob’s bit at the end was an absolute treat. 🙂

  • Alba
    Posted on March 21, 2009

    Hey. I just let you know that the language is not Spanish but Catalan! ^^

    They both dont say anything important, but if I got a moment I’ll translate it for you. Where do I send it to? Do I post it here o send it to a mail?

    And yep, the best part was Rob clapping ath the end btw! LOL he’s great!

    Take care

  • diana
    Posted on March 22, 2009

    This language is not kind of CATALAN…well in spacnish says this:

    Javier Beltrán:

    El personaje que interpreto es Federico García Lorca, uno de los poetas más importantes que ha existido en España y bueno, es uno de esos personajes que es muy agradecido por el actor por todas las cosas que te puede ofrecer y tampoco deja de ser un personaje demasiado difícil, no tenemos ningún documento audiovisual en el que el actor, yo, me pueda basar no sé… para ver como hablaba, como se movía… De todas maneras con todas sus obras, sus poesías es suficiente para hacer una propia interpretación de lo que sería el poeta, de Federico García Lorca. Lo que me ha llevado más trabajo es que a veces si te paras a pensar en quién estás interpretando el mundo se te cae encima, es Federico García Lorca, el poeta que asesinaron los falangistas y a partir de aquí se convierte en un mito y es lo que más trabajo me ha llevado. Yo siempre he intentado hacerlo humano, un poeta joven con una sensibilidad extraordinaria y a partir aquí empezar a crear. Digamos, bajar el mito porqué sino se te cae el mundo encima y si empiezas a pensar “estoy haciendo Lorca, estoy haciendo Lorca, estoy haciendo Lorca” al final te colapsas.

    Marina Gatell:

    Yo interpreto a un personaje llamado Magdalena pero que está basado en Margarita Manso pues que es un personaje que históricamente convivió con la generación de… bueno en la escuela de Buñuel y Lorca. Estaba muy enamorada de Lorca… no sé es como un personaje yo pienso que útil y fascinante en la historia para que los buenos no sean tan buenos y los malos no sean tan malos. Pienso es un guión sobre tomar decisiones determinantes en la vida de estos artistas tan conocidos por todos y ella es un poco la influencia de tocar de pies en la tierra diríamos y a la vez la que hacer soñar más.

  • diana
    Posted on March 22, 2009

    Hello world!!!… my translation for all you..i hope its good!!! :D!!!

    Javier Beltrán:

    The personage that I play is Federico Garci’a Lorca, one of the most important poets who existed in good Spain and, is one of those personages very thanked for any actor by all the things that can offer to you… and it either does not stop being a too difficult personage, we do not have no audio-visual document on which the actor, me, can be based… I don’t know… to see as I spoke, as I moved… Of all ways with all works, his poetries are sufficient to make an own interpretation about what the poet could be, about Federico Garcia Lorca. What has taken to me more work is than sometimes if you stop yourself to think about whom you are interpreting…the world falls to you above, is Federico the Garcia Lorca, the poet who was assassinated by falangistas and from this point he becomes a myth and he is here what more work has taken to me. I always have tried to play him human, a young poet with an extraordinary sensitivity and from here beginning to create. We say, to lower the myth cause maybe the world falls to you above and if you begin to think “I’m playing Lorca, I’m playing Lorca, I’m playing Lorca” in the end you collapse.

  • diana
    Posted on March 22, 2009

    and…my translation for

    Marina Gatell:

    I play a called personage Magdalena but who is based on Margarita Manso … she’s a personage who historically coexisted with the generation of……well…in the school of Buñuel and Lorca. She was extremely fall in love with Lorca… I don’t know is like a personage..I think…useful and fascinating in history so the good ones are not so good and the bad ones are not so bad. I think is a script to take determinant decisions in the life of these artists so met by all…and she’s a little bit the influence to touch with feet the earth…we would say…and simultaneously the one who makes you dream more.

    see you guys!!! kisses and hugs!!!!!!!!

  • Cilla
    Posted on March 22, 2009

    Hi Diana, thanks so much for the translation…I’m sure you’re making a lot of people very happy.

    And I apologise about saying that the language is Spanish. I really don’t understand a word and it sounded so much like Spanish.

    Thanks again for the translation!

  • diana
    Posted on March 22, 2009

    hi Cilla! apologise dear xD!!!…the first time that i saw the video..i thought its spanish…then..(but i dont understand some words….so weeeeeeeeeeeirddd)…then i realized it was catalan(spoken in Andorra and some places of Spain, France ‘n Italy)….

    being peruvian ‘n speaking spanish i had doubts…so dont worry..just sounds so much like spanish but its no spanish…

    u’re welcome!!!…see yaaa

  • Alba
    Posted on March 24, 2009

    @Cilla: It seems I was too late…sorry, I’m quite busy time I’ll be faster 😛

    @Diana: Like I said to Cilla by mail, Catalan is the official language of Catalonia (Spain), where I came from. And like you said, yes, it’s also the official language of Andorra. =) And as far as I know, it’s not spoken in Italy at all, well.. just a few old people in Alghero (Sardinia) speak it, but only old people and with so much italian influence.

    Sorry… I just love languages and had to clarify it lol

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