Laura Culpepper, the MTV intern who interviewed Rob (twice…) wrote a blog about the kind of role she’d like Rob to play and how much she wanted him to release a music album. She also said that Rob is a ‘big ball of goofiness and sarcasm’.
Laura’s interviews with Rob were one of the ones I really enjoyed and I’m looking forward to see them together again next year. To read Laura’s article at, please click here. And below is a short clip of one of Laura’s interview with Rob.
Posted on December 10, 2009
The interviews with Laura Culpepper and Robert Pattinson are awsome. Its just the little insight to the real funny, goofy rob. He should play a role that fits his real character. It would be hilarious in more ways the one, and I’m sure people would still love him as an actor.
My mom, who is 63 yrs of age thinks he is better as Edward the more serious romantic type. But what does she know.
Posted on December 10, 2009
Hey @JSM thanks for the comments. He actually has played a role that is close to his real character – I believe that’s Art from How To Be
Posted on December 11, 2009
Hey Maria thanks for the info, but I have fiffty million things that I could say about that comment, but I just don’t know where to begin. It sounds like something Rob would probably say. Rob and Art are two different peas in a pod. Rob seems to be more muscial incline than Art, and Art seems to be more pathetic then Rob. Go figure!
Posted on December 11, 2009
@JSM we actually got told that from the Producer of How To Be – it’s not an observation of mine. That is the closest character to Rob in real life – apparently.
Posted on December 11, 2009
Maria thanks for the info again. Didn’t mean to offend you, Sorry! I guess on some levels that may be true, but I’m sure he is full of suprises. Rob is probably one of his own worse critics. From what I seen he’s just like anybody else. He likes to go out and have a good time, but that seems almost impossible now days.
But what do I know?
Posted on December 11, 2009
No worries @JSM no offence taken