October 1st, 2018 / 0 comments

Robert Pattinson interview from San Sebastian film festival


Some of the interviews are trickling through from San Sebastian.  Here is what Rob had to say with El Correo:

[Claire Denis] recognizes that [Pattinson] had a hard time understanding the script.

I tried to meet with her for four years and it was not easy.  ‘High Life’ is her first screenplay in English and I do not speak French, but I was desperate to work with Claire.  In the end, we met and spent hours talking about my role, especially how I was going to get into the skin of a character who was supposedly 50 years old, twice my age.

Denis did not give him many clues either. “I like [Claire’s] films a lot  more than because of the story.  It’s the way she sees the characters, the sensuality, the texture, the human relationships …” praises the actor.  I was able to approach the script in a different way, almost as if it were music, with my feelings. 

In fact, every time I asked Claire about the crime my character had committed, she gave me a different version because she did not care who my victim was.  It is very interesting to play a role that does not give you all the information, I like that people do not know what to think about my character.  Of course, when I saw the film, I was a little afraid of not knowing how I would have to respond to the journalists’ questions …

‘High Life’ treasures some shocking scene of violence and a bizarre sequence of sex with the villain of the story, the doctor who experiments with these guinea pigs, played by Juliette Binoche. “When I was a teenager, before I started working on acting, my favorite movie was ‘Lovers of the Pont-Neuf’,” reveals movie buff Pattinson. Filming sex scenes with Juliette was amazing:  I fulfilled a teenager’s fantasy, ha ha””

In the film, the Pattinson’s character is drugged with the aim of the doctor taking his semen to conceive a child in space. 
“Well, I was supposed to be asleep. It’s weird, I can say that I’ve been raped by three women in three different movies.  I must be the only actor with a record like that: it’s my legacy, “he laughs.

Another of highlight of ‘High Life’ is seeing how well the child reacts with the actor . … “I had total freedom with the baby, who was the daughter of friends of mine,” … “A lot of my time between one sequence and another was to babysit. I could not let her cry, because then we could not shoot, so I had to find ways to reassure her.  It was an interesting experiment.  I like children sometimes, especially when you can give them back to their parents, ha ha. 

A review of Pattinson’s filmography confirms how the actor who started with “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” flees from the mainstream. 
“When you increase the budget of a movie, that forces you to follow a predetermined format to get financing, because everyone is afraid of losing their money: the more traditional the film is, the more you must follow the money line.  And I do not think anyone is going to make a hundred-million-dollar movie about the collection of semen in space … .. 
He keeps what David Cronenberg once told him: “I love seeing how many people leave the room with a movie of mine.” All in all, Robert Pattinson is not afraid to get away from the general public with his latest films. 
You never have the full guarantee that you will reach the general public . Even when we did ‘Harry Potter’ or ‘Twilight’ we did not know that they would be a great success. Therefore, the most important thing is to choose roles that you like and that will help you learn something from the experience. I became famous almost by accident and I have not done anything to maintain fame. Maybe one day I’ll have to think and sell myself as an actor, ha ha. “

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UK Agents - Curtis Brown Group

Haymarket House, 28 - 29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP, UK

US Agents - William Morris Endeavor (WME Entertainment)

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Rob’s Films
Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 7 March 2025 (US). | Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

Die, My Love Role: Jackson
Director: Lynne Ramsay
Release Date: Expected 2025 | Current Status: Post Production as at 16 October 2024

The Drama Role: TBA
Director: Kristoffer Borgli
Release Date: Expected 2025. | Post production as at 14 December 2024.

The Odyssey Role: TBA
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Date: 17 July 2026. | Filming February to August 2025 Sicily, UK, Moroc Check out all upcoming information at our dedicated Film Page by clicking on News below

Primetime Role: TBA
Director: Lance Oppenheim
Release Date: TBD. | Check out all upcoming information at our Film Page by clicking on News below. Rob is also producing this film through Icki Eneo Arlo

The Batman Part II Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
Director: Matt Reeves
Release Date: 1 October 2027. Check out all current info at our dedicated Film Page by clicking on News below

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