Robert Pattinson Speaks to Rotten Tomatoes About His 5 Favourite Films
Robert spoke to Rotten Tomatoes about his 5 favourite films – I wonder how many will be adding these to their list of “must sees”:
and then RT reflected on what Robert’s choices were back in 2008:
RT: Just for the fun of it, I want to tell you what you picked last time. In 2008, you picked One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, The Exorcist, the Godard film Prénom Carmen, Corky Romano, and then you picked Ivans XTC, the Danny Huston film.
Robert Pattinson: I mean, to be honest, that’s probably still pretty close to what my five favorite films would be. I was just watching Corky Romano again. [laughs]
RT: And actually, when you talked about Godard last time, you also mentioned Arizona Dream, and you specifically talked about ordering drinks the way Vincent Gallo does as well. It’s clearly something that stuck with you.
Pattinson: [laughs] That’s how little I’ve developed in 10 years. I’m exactly the same.
Posted on August 12, 2017
How interesting. Homework to enjoy