I don’t want to get hopes up, but according to Crave Online, who interviewed Oliver Assayas at TIFF:
“What’s next? Is it that period piece?
I have been, like a couple of years ago, I wrote and prepared a film that was kind of shut down like a day before shooting, here in Canada, which was like an expensive international film. It might be happening again so I’m kind of looking forward to that.”
According to latest Assayas news, his next film is a collaboration with Roman Polanski (Assayas is scriptwriting not directing) and this is due to commence filming in November (this is also confirmed on IMDbPro).
Idol’s Eye was due to commence filming in Toronto as you will recall we posted about the cancellation here and Oliver talked about the shut down of the film here.  You might also recall that back in April 2015, we posted that Oliver Assayas was hopeful to revive the film.  Okay I might be getting my hopes up.  Can’t wait to see if Robert and Bob are still involved if it does come to fruition.  Stay tuned.
Fingers and toes crossed for this one. Would love SO love to hear that Idol’s Eye is happening again.
Bob and Rob.
Bob and Rob
Bob and Rob