Love these stills that FILMIN has included on their “The Childhood of a Leader” page.  Obviously this second one is a different variation to one we have seen before and the other picture has always been a screencap. *UPDATED* HQ stills added thanks to Posh.
The one below is a crop from a HQ we have seen before
I also love these posters from Filmin’s blog where they have posted an article called “How To Create A Dictator” which was an original article written by Joan Sala. Â The article may contain spoilers so read at your own risk. Â I’ll post the extract that relates to Rob:’
“Many virtues whose resonance is even greater if we consider the deep philosophical value on emerging, perfectly embodied in a key appointment that arises in the mouth of the character played by Robert Pattinson, a leading political idealist close to the family who he says that “what is truly terrifying is not a person able to spread evil may arise, but there are so many people who follow their guidelines are incapable of doing good “ .Demolishing statement that directly is related with the controversial (though mostly historical) report on the banality of evil  gestated by Hannah Arendt in 1963, thought that we should never lose sight of our historical memory, even if more we look at the turbulent times that catastrophically currently it reflects the war in Syria.”
I also love the little teaser trailer.
Get your tickets for the opening screening in Majorca on 28 June 2016 here
HQs thank to Posh!