January 12th, 2016 / 0 comments

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I don’t have to harp on about the initial reaction from the fans because I’m pretty sure the majority of us are still trying to recover.  I did however decide to do a roundup of the initial media reaction and I believe the consensus is that Rob is hot! hot! hot!


Watch and Drool: Robert Pattinson’s New Dior Homme Ad Is Here

Robert Pattinson makes walking around New York City look like a beautiful dream in his latest campaign video for Dior Homme. Promoting the brand’s Intense City cologne, RPattz smoothly makes his way through the city of 8 million all while looking ready for just about anything (a gala, date night, Thursday).

It’s no coincidence that the pace of the ad feels like a shutter. RPattz’s latest film is Life, in which he plays real-life photographer Dennis Stock opposite Dane DeHaan’s James Dean. And yes, James Dean’s most famous quote is included in the campaign. Good work, everyone.”


Robert Pattinson’s Dior Fragrance Campaign Is Guaranteed to Make You Swoon

It’s been a few years since we’ve even thought about theTwilight saga, but if you need further evidence that Team Edward is superior, let Robert Pattinson and his chiseled jawline in the above clip serve as proof. To front the Dior Pour Homme Intense fragrance, the actor works it for an especially moody black and white video spot shot by Peter Lindbergh”

ROBERT PATTINSON AND DIOR HOMME INTENSE One man who knows about intensity…

There was a time when Robert Pattinson was admired by pretty much every tweenage girl on the planet, but the Hollywood A-lister has since shrugged off that side of his appeal and gained a whole new fan-base: sartorially-envious men. … The campaign is cool, urban and modern enough for us to overlook the rather cliched marketing messages “Life is short,” “Break the Rules,” and “Never regret anything” that flash across the screen.”


robert pattinson’s new campaign for dior homme is so hot it might melt your face off

Are you ready for things to get so hot that your eyeballs might physically pop out of your eye sockets like supersize popcorn kernels shoved in a microwave?

Then it’s time to check out Robert Pattinson‘s latest Dior campaign video, which might just be the hottest thing that has ever happened.”

Elle (Australia)

Guys, Robert Pattinson Looks Insanely Hot In The New Dior Ad

You know, usually we at least try to come up with a good excuse to post videos of hot guys, but it’s Monday so we’re going to give it a pass.

Summary: Robert Pattison [sic] (do you inexplicably miss him like we do?) looks insanely good in the latest ad for Dior Homme, which is him basically smoldering around New York City.”


“Robert Pattinson Gives His Best Blue Steel in This Collar-Poppin’, Semi-Motivational Dior Fragrance Ad

In the “Intense City” clip, 29-year-old R-Pattz coolly makes his way through New York City, making love to the camera with the Edward Cullen-esque stare and flashing intermittent smirks at every corner.

The boy gives good blue steel, we can’t deny that. Rob also manages to look non-offensive popping his collar in the clip, although he seems to just breeze on past all the motivational phrases dominating the city skyline (“Life is short,” “Break the rules—they were meant to be broken,” “Never regret anything,” etc.)”

Gossip and Gab

“The Twilight days are well behind him, and Robert Pattinson has never looked better than he does in the new commercial for Dior Homme’s Intense fragrance, and while his modelling days are far gone, he definitely looks like a model here.”

Radio Eska (Poland)

Robert Pattinson in advertising Dior Homme Intense City! It looks HOT! Check it out!

Robert Pattinson appeared in the advertising Dior. And as in any advertising, and every movie and every picture – it looks just perfectly! Look!”

Telecino (Spain)*

Robert Pattinson, Dior wanted man | British captivates us with his eyes on the video ‘Intense City’

Robert Pattinson is one of the most wanted men in the world and is now the new face of the French brand Dior. British captivates us with her ​​gaze and shows its most alluring face through the streets of New York as seen in the video ‘Intense City’ . Also, find motivational phrases as’ I never regret anything ‘or’ breaks the rules, that’s what.”

Promicabana (Germany)*

“The winter is hot Schmacht! Robert Pattinson in Diors “Intense City” campaign

A good dose of Robert Pattinson on the day never hurts, right? At our Rob-daily dose charging station you get today a new Dior campaign video to see. To foster customer loyalty, we put a thick trowel sexiness on top! Course costs nothing extra now.

Celebrity Health & Fitness

Robert Pattinson Is Sexy Beast In Dior Homme Ad Commercial: Hated ‘Twilight’ Mega-Fame

Robert Pattinson is a sexy beast in his new ad campaign for Dior Homme Eau For Men cologne.

In the smoldering black-and-white photos and video, Pattinson looks dashingly handsome as he wanders the streets of New York alone.

Robert, 29, previously said he agreed to rep Dior Homme Eau For Men cologne to have a change of pace from acting.

“I wanted to do something different,” said Pattinson, 29. “Doing something that is quite mainstream but also edgy fit into where I want my life to go.”

*Google translate

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UK Agents - Curtis Brown Group

Haymarket House, 28 - 29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP, UK

US Agents - William Morris Endeavor (WME Entertainment)

9601 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA

Rob’s Films
Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 7 March 2025 (US). | Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

Die, My Love Role: Jackson
Director: Lynne Ramsay
Release Date: Expected 2025 | Current Status: Post Production as at 16 October 2024

The Drama Role: TBA
Director: Kristoffer Borgli
Release Date: Expected 2025. | Post production as at 14 December 2024.

The Odyssey Role: TBA
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Date: 17 July 2026. | Filming February to August 2025 Sicily, UK, Moroc Check out all upcoming information at our dedicated Film Page by clicking on News below

The Batman Part II Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
Director: Matt Reeves
Release Date: 1 October 2027. Check out all current info at our dedicated Film Page by clicking on News below

Icki Eneo Arlo Robert Pattinson Producer
Check out all upcoming projects that list Rob as a Producer with and without his production company, Icki Eneo Arlo at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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