Loving that we started the week with some news about one of Rob’s upcoming projects especially news that shows there’s financial support and people clearly having faith in it. But let’s see what else has unfolded this week. LIFE: Rob was featured in Parade Magazine’s “Personality” section which I thought I’d tweet about, much like the Critics Roundup’s roundup of reviews for Life. They gave Life a rating of 75 which means it had mostly positive reviews. This, and comments like “It really is the work of Pattinson, and even more so DeHaan, that makes “Life†a success” made me update our own review roundup and I have to agree that the pros far outweigh the cons.  I tweeted a link to Concrete Playground’s 10 Best Films You Never Saw in 2015 – yeah Life is included. I’m not surprised people didn’t see it seeing as it was gone in a flash. And I’ve noticed that’s the norm not just for Rob’s films. I wanted to see a couple of films this past month and they were gone from the cinema before I even had a chance to choose session times. The Huffington Post had an interesting interview with Dane didn’t they. I don’t know if I really fit into the category of wanting to make out or jump Rob to be honest – do I find him sexy?  Obviously, but I’ve been one of the fortunate that have been in Rob’s presence a few times and I just wanted to talk to him. I find him fascinating. Shaw (Singapore) have now uploaded their official trailer for Life which I tweeted about, but I’ve also added to the Film page. It’s also stating 31 December as the release date which we posted about last week. HIGH LIFE:  That was an interesting bit of information about The Tinderstick’s doing the soundtrack for this film that was included in ARTE France’s coproduction news. They apparently work on Claire Denis’ soundtracks often. Alcatraz Films also tweeted how excited they were about ARTE coming to the party – as are we. QUEEN OF THE DESERT: Germany has pushed back it’s DVD|Bluray|VOD release by 6 days. Austria on the other hand has a couple more screenings as part of Sunday matinees at Salzburger Filmkulturzentrum Cinema. Also, we posted about a US screening back in November and now the theatre has confirmed it. Werner talks about why he selected Rob for the role of TE Lawrence in an interview I posted. I love having a little insight into why he did so. THE TRAP: Japan I hope you put together a website like you do for most of Rob’s films that you distribute. Is it bad that that is one of the first things I thought about when I was posting that Parco is the Japanese distributor?  THINGS I TWEETED:  Vue listed Rob “14. Robert Pattinson – Life” Best of 2015: Performances Of The Year” that was a lovely bit of recognition wasn’t it. The London Short Film Festival are having a day with Harmony Korine on MUBI on 16 January 2016 for those wanting to familiarise themselves with Harmony’s work. Did you see the tweet I did about the “then and now” Harry Potter comparison? If not, I’ve included it in the collage below. What a man.  I tweeted that I had a dream that Rob had picked up a new role and there’s been a few comments out there about possibilities thanks to Pattinson Place and Suze for letting me know about that. So I’ll end on that note. Have a few surprises in store for you next week, so until then …
Release Dates, Film Festivals & Special Screenings:  Netherlands | US & Canada 11-17/12 | France 2016 Cinéma CineMovida CholetÂ
Dane DeHaan Talks Working with Robert Pattinson, Rob’s fans and More
International Review Roundup “Updated 11 Dec 2015”
Release Dates, Film Festivals & Special Screenings: Â Germany DVD|Bluray|VODÂ | Austria
Video: Werner Herzog Talks About Why He Chose Rob as T E Lawrence
HighLife to be Co-Produced by ARTE France
Parco Co Ltd to distribute in JapanÂ
#MotivationalMonday Sexy & Scruffy
37 New HQ Portraits from The Rover LA Press Conference 12 June 2014
Walk Down Memory Lane Wednesday
3 Old Vanity Fair Photoshoot Pics now in UHQ
12 Months Of Rob: December Winner | January Choices
Thanks Maria. There just aren’t enough hours in my week to truly do RPAU justice at the moment, but I love reading these weekly reviews.
For the record, I have also never really entertained the idea of jumping Rob when in his presence. Should he, however, ever choose to jump ME, I would go with it …… *onlyliveonce* LOL. Poor Rob. See THIS is what he has to deal with …….
Ps. I apologise in advance for any offense I may have caused. I am aware that that is NOT a pretty image for a
Sunday night …….
LOL @Sue you always entertain *hugs*
I totally agree with Sue. The bit about not enough hours in the week, I mean