HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULES!! Now I know I said I was hanging up my vid making gloves, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for a few weeks, but didn’t have a chance to piece it all together. This is just a little teaser because I wanted to give you something for your birthday *shakesfistatreallife*. And sorry peeps if you don’t like my mellow choice of music, I can’t help what goes on in my head *snorts*. Jules you do so much for us on this site that I doubt I can ever really thank you enough. Your creativity inspires me, although I’ll leave photoshop to you because why would attempt it when we have the best already here. I hope you have an amazing day – I know we celebrate it a little earlier than you do, but just think it means you celebrate for longer *raisesglass*
PS. This really is just a teaser and things may change in the final version.
Maria I have just with my trembling hands rang the home for the feeble and overheated and booked into the ice bucket room for a week. My brain along with my eyes are spinning like a top and I need to be calm and clear eyed when next I come on to RPA. now where is that oxygen mask I am fadinggg rapidly…..xxxxxx
Maria. oh my lord I didn’t mention the reason for my episode. That Rob teaser was almost the finish of me. MAY DAY!MAY DAY fading fading….
Lol Barbara.
HOLY !&%#*+&% MOLY!!!! *fans self* uhm, how did you a. Have time for this and b. Were able to concentrate to get THIS much done? LOL that’s hotter than hell, and you made my edits look sexy!! Hahaha, seriously…. That was very cool! I can’t thank you enough for this and the birthday wishes, I found my second home when I found RPAU. You inspire me all the time Maria….you and a certain Mr Pattinson 😉 thanks to everyone for their kind words over the years 🙂 xxx 😘😘
Brilliant! *claps hands* (‘mellow’, Maria? LMFAO I LOVE the music!)