“Pattinson is nothing short of unbelievable. Forget anything that you’ve ever seen him in before, this is a towering, career defining performance. Like Leo DiCaprio in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Ryan Gosling’s Half Nelson or Al Pacino’s Dog Day Afternoon – this is the one that sees the young actor nurtured to his full potential.Every single stammering unenunciated southern turn of phrase disguises the erudite Brit made famous by being the prettiest, sparkliest vampire ever. Watching his impressionable nature absorb the bleak philosophy of our man with no name (Pearce) creates a tragic Stockholm syndrome, which also affects his companion.”
“If there is less spontaneity, there is more to think about, which can have its attractions. Pattinson, almost unrecognisable as a dim-witted boy from the American south, renovates his screen image with this performance …”
The Rover creates an atmosphere of hopelessness, punctuated by sharp, sudden violence. The film follows Guy Pearce’s unnamed character as he seeks to get back something that was taken from him. For most of his journey he’s stuck with Rey, played by Robert Pattinson in astounding form. Their relationship is an awkward one, which quickly switches between death threats and saving each others lives, more than once.
I loved this film. The cinematography is stunning, the sound design sets the perfect mood and the acting is brilliant. The breathtaking shots of deserts, mountains and towns make the setting as important a character as any of the actors. [my emphasis]
The two man show of Pearce and Pattinson is outstanding.
Yet it’s Pattinson who fascinates with his turn as Rey, taking pains to shed that teen heartthrob image with a grubby and dirty look, complete with thick southern accent. Portraying a man of limited mental capacity, Pattinson is almost childlike in a performance sprinkled with jitters, hesitations and ramblings, yet never resulting in caricature, a wholly sympathetic character in an unsympathetic world.
It is indeed proving to be an interesting post-Twilight career for Pattinson, who is wisely choosing projects directed by filmmakers of integrity (two films by David Cronenberg proceeded this, and films by Werner Herzog and Anton Corbijn will come after).
I’ll update this post as and when more reviews come out. There should be more I noticed more critics at the screening – they might be waiting for just before Thursday’s release.
Thanks to @Suziekew for the tip for the Graffiti review
PS. Sorry but that gif – yeah it’s going to be used a lot.
Posted on June 09, 2014
None of these reviews surprise me. How would it possible to see this movie and not rave about the performances? Rob is in my DNA yet he still blew my mind with what he accomplished in this movie. David is a genus and Guy was the perfect foil.
Oh, and hands on hip Rob is killer. Use it and abuse it, I say.
Posted on June 10, 2014
My mind is turning somersaults and cartwheels right now! SO FUCKING HAPPY!!! Oh, Rob, you’ve made us so proud, baby! I feel like shouting from the rooftops – VINDICATION!!!!!!!
Posted on June 10, 2014
@trish You’ve used the perfect word. I agree with you and with every single review here. Brilliant movie with brilliant performances.
Posted on June 10, 2014
(Almost) nothing better than reading the glowing reviews of both Rob & The Rover. High praise, so deserved.
My head is still spinning from the weekend. What an incredible film, made by a brilliant bunch of people. I feel like I could ramble on for pages and pages (don’t worry, I won’t LOL). I haven’t had time to catch up on many posts yet, but a massive thank you to all of you at RPAU for bringing us incredible post after incredible post. You’re amazing.
Thank you Sydney, thank you David, thank you Rob, thank you Guy, thank you Liz, thank you SFF, Roadshow & Vivid. Thank you for a truly amazing weekend. But especially David, for seeing in Rob what we have seen for some time now ~ and then for allowing him to show it to the rest of the world.
Cartwheeling with you @Trish, for sure.
And so great catching up with so many of the RPAU gang in Sydney ~ loved sharing it with you! Big hugs! *AND I have more David tonight ~ woohoo!*
Posted on June 10, 2014
Oh, that gif @Maria. NEVER apologise for that gif!!!! I’m surprised you didn’t just faint, then and there! *imagine what might have happened next* Okay, I need sleep.
Posted on June 11, 2014
You can never NEVER use that gif too much Maria – it’s perfect in every way
Speaking of perfect – these reviews are pretty spectacular. Loved reading them – thanks for putting this together Maria. I feel an updated wallpaper or two coming on!! I’m so glad you’re getting the chance to see this film at last….I am living it through you all. One day in the distant future it will be my turn LOL