I’m bringing this forward because I can’t believe it’s been 7 years since this amazing event happened. Still cringe that my nerves made me talk over Rob.
I’m going to let the BOSS Rob do the talking here.
Clickety click to watch and don’t forget to go see The Rover! Like you all need a reminder.
We are yet to come down from the best night ever! It’s been an awesome adventure seeing Rob come back to our shores to celebrate the release of a movie he is obviously thrilled to have worked on. \o/
If reposting the video interview, please source Robertpattinsonau.com
Posted on June 09, 2014
Best question ladies.
Posted on June 09, 2014
He’s probably been asked the same questions dozens of times by hundreds of journalists, yet you guys asked an original, interesting one that I personally was hoping someone would ask. Thank you!
Posted on June 09, 2014
Rob u done good, proud of u,n your choices r golden, we all wishes u the best.
Posted on June 09, 2014
So. No words can do justice to how happy I am for you girls….what an out of this world incredible few days for you and this right here is the best thing ever.
So thrilled you got to ask him and I love love love his response.
ok. I’m ok….just had to let that out. Thanks a million for sharing with us girls. You’re appreciated more than I can say.
Posted on June 09, 2014
Thank you vertigo and @Maria, nicely done. REALLY nicely done.
Posted on June 09, 2014
*nods* that is exactly it Jules, there are just no words for how thrilled I am for you Maria & Vertigo & what an AMAZING job you did. Talk about EPIC – you talked to ROB OMG!!!!
An original question that Rob loved answering. His response is just wonderful. Take note people – THIS *points up* is how you interview Rob. I have lost count how many times I have watched & each time with the biggest grin on my face. Like I told you both, I want it on a continuous loop – forever
What a magical weekend it was, seeing Rob full of such joy, promoting a movie that like you say Vertigo, he was clearly so thrilled to be a part of, such a beautiful thing to witness – LOVE
Posted on June 09, 2014
Totally incoherent with my thoughts here. THAT WAS BEYOND AMAZBALLS!
The question was perfect. Rob’s delight in the question was evident. The camera work was spot on.
I am so proud and so happy for you girls. This was your Karma for the hard work you put into the site.
Posted on June 09, 2014
Thanks @Carmel – I think it’s karma for all of us.
I understand from Maz in Melbourne yesterday that David described us as smart, passionate and fiercely protective of Rob. I’m guessing 2 of those are really true – I may have used smoke and mirrors for the first one though
Posted on June 10, 2014
AMAZEBALLS!!!!! There is no other word for this. I’m not sure how and when you girls will come down from this high…I’m still reeling and I didn’t even get to speak to him. It is plainly obvious that he loved the question and he enjoyed answering it. WELL DONE ladies you done us proud. If David did indeed say those things about RPAU he is absolutely 100% correct and don’t you try to deny it. And btw I hope we get a vid of the melb q&a soon too.
Posted on June 10, 2014
OMGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! I thought your talking to David was amazing – this is off the f***ing Richter scale!!!! I’m so-o thrilled for you girls, and yes, what Carmel said about karma – you deserve your reward. The man’s smile alone is worth a year of constant sunshine. I’m off to brush up on my art history – I need to find that sculpture! Holy shit, I’m just stunned. STUNNED.
Posted on June 10, 2014
I’m SO happy for your girls! What an incredible experience it must have been! Unlike the same old questions that get asked over and over again, yours was original and something we were all curious about. He seemed so at ease and really enjoyed answering.
You did an awesome job. . .thanks so much for sharing with us! You rock!
Posted on June 10, 2014
Haha thanks Trish – Roberta sent me a pic of it. I’m just trying to find out some more details before I post it
Posted on June 11, 2014
So thrilled for you girls!! Did Rob know you were the girls from RPAU? I don’t know if I’m just seeing things, but I think he seemed specially at ease and overall excited (?) to be talking to you. That was one interesting question and clearly he was happy to answer it, so it might have been the question, idk. But yeah, he seemed playfully happy to be talking/answering you (that little cheeky smile of his, oh my!) and I thought it could have been because he was talking to YOU. I’ve watched all the interviews from that night and there’s definitely something very special about him in this one. :DD
Thank you so much for sharing! It makes me so happy to know that you (who only focus on his career) got the chance to talk to him. Yay!
Posted on June 11, 2014
Hi @Vici. Yes he did know we were from RPAU. They put placecards with your outlet name on the ground in front of where you stand on the red carpet so they know which media outlet they are speaking with. And the people who are standing with them usually tell them who wants to interview them. Plus at the press conference the day before I had to say who I was and where – so he knows. I don’t have that footage yet.
And thank you so much for all you’ve said. It was definitely an incredible experience and I’m still pinching myself.
Posted on June 11, 2014
Hey Maria and RPAU. I’ve been AWOL from participating on RPAU quite some time, and I don’t do twitter so I miss a lot, but I just can’t resist sending you a HUGE congratulations and admiration for what you’ve achieved here……so so excited for you
I can’t wait to see the film and am stupidly happy Rob is receiving credit where it’s due. Smiling so big for you all right now. Much love and gratitude for what you do here. xxx
Posted on June 11, 2014
Hey @Val great to hear from you
Thank you so much – see perseverance and patience pays off! You will love this movie I can pretty much guarantee that Rob (and Guy) will blow you away.
Posted on June 07, 2021
I can’t believe I didn’t leave a message on this post back in 2014! Then again, THAT was a pretty big weekend in Sydney LOL. Great to see the interview again Maria – tick that off your bucket list ….. or better yet, replace it with “Interview Rob for Batman” …… *fingers crossed*
Posted on June 07, 2021
That would be amazing Sue – fingers crossed the world goes back to some normality in 2022 and there are in person movie premieres
Posted on June 07, 2021
I have seen this video before but every time, wow, one degree of separation to Rob, lol. Good job, Maria. Even his big buddy Dean was smiling. Those girls in the end were annoying though.
Posted on June 09, 2021
Amazing experience I guess. but really , Perfect interview. you are born to be a journalist
Posted on June 09, 2021
Thanks Aline that’s a lovely thing to say