So, this happened today, yes Vertigo and I went to OzComic-Con’s intimate event with Benedict Cumberbatch and met him (and no I’m not posting our photos with him). I also had him autograph my copy of Lost City of Z and found it a perfect segueway to ask him about filming.
I know I know you all wanted information, but let me just say, Benedict was a little reluctant to talk about this film in detail for the simple reason that it was an upcoming project that he hadn’t filmed yet.  Although when I asked him about it starting to film in July he did say “yes or possibly sooner”. He also made it a point to say that LCoZ was a difficult film and the logistics behind it are huge.
I didn’t want to press him any further (even though I know you all wanted me to), so we decided to wait and see if he mentioned anything further during the Q&A. And no I wasn’t going to ask any LCoZ questions because I didn’t want to put him on the spot in front of everyone (yes you can read that as Vertigo didn’t want me to nag and irritate him).
So during the Q&A one wise soul did ask him about future projects (for those interested he has some TV in the pipeline with BBC and a movie in post production called “The Imitation Game“), but it’s his final comment on this question you’ll all be interested in (and I’m paraphrasing) “I am hopefully filming a movie called Lost City of Z in June”.
For the Cumberbitches that I know are also part of Rob’s fandom – Benedict is charming, witty and oh so forthright. Yes this man does not suffer fools and I love it. I think both Vertigo and I walked away today a little more smitten with him. He’s a great storyteller (and dancer) and so good to his fans. If it was up to Benedict we would still be there listening to him answer random questions and him choosing random songs from his iTunes.
Oh and Jules – I haven’t forgotten that today’s your birthday … SURPRISE!!
Guess what will be waiting in the post for you on your return.
Oh and I forgot to say this in the post – Jules I know you love him as Sherlock, but this pic from Star Trek looks most like Benedict in person.
As usual Maria and Vertigo you were sterling (not sure if it’s the right word). Honestly, you always do such an amazing job. Love you guys. And yes Benedict seems like a really nice guy. Thank you so very much 😀
Thank you so much Maria for sharing yours & Vertigo’s exciting day with us. LOVED reading your report. Benedict sounds wonderful & I love his signature on your Lost City Of Z book – talk about awesome. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us, always makes me feel like I was right there with you 😀
OMG I cannot wait for Jules to see her signed pic – she is going to be SOOOOOOOOOOO THRILLED 😀
Ok I give up trying to thank you for being so amazing. I’m surprised you all didn’t hear me shouting and screaming and fangirling. hahaha I can’t believe you got him to sign this and he wishes me a happy birthday. What is air???? I love him in Star Trek too so no worries….that photo you took above is gorgeous. I can not believe you got to see him in the flesh and thank you so much for sharing your experience with us here. I loved reading it so much. What a day for you both!! 🙂
Thanks girls, I keep saying I don’t know what I did to deserve your friendship but forever grateful.
Thanks to everyone in the RPAU family….you’ve all contributed to the most memorable day/weekend with all your lovely comments & wishes 🙂 xxxx
I think I need time to digest all the awesome. Thanks a million Maria, truly and thank you Benedict for being so lovely 🙂
Wow what a great experience – thanks so much for sharing – and for the heads up about LCoZ: exciting times ahead!
OMG Jules I just remembered he asked me what birthday it was … um I say – not sure if she wants you to know her age bwahahaha He laughed and then I realised he was going to write it on there. Oops! I had some funny moments with him that’s for sure.
Take photo with Benedict. CHECK.
Walk into a bin that for some reason was nearby. CHECK
Hear Benedict say to handlers – WHY IS THERE A BIN THERE bwahaha. Tina was witness to all of this whilst she’s standing next to Benedict for her photo.
Was waiting to see your reaction Jules. I love it. “what is air”. hahaha
Was such an amazing day hanging with Benedict and Maria. He’s one hell of a switched on guy and so bloody funny.
Love your post Maria – I’m so exhausted from this huge weekend I don’t really have anything useful to add. I will however say how fun it was to watch the whole walking into the bin scenario. Gold!
Happy Birthday again Jules!
LOVED the report @Maria (as always). LOVED reading that they might be filming LCoZ in June. LOVED Jules’ birthday surprise. LOVED Jules’ reaction. LOVED Benedict’s question WHY IS THERE A BIN THERE?!!!! Too funny. Sounds like an awesome day all round!
Bwhahahahaha @Maria re my age. Some things are best forgotten….you’re as young as you feel….;) thanks again. LOL re the bin *giggles*
Just this : 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 for everything or simply Ditto to Sue’s comment 😉 as I’m also a B.C. fan :3 Thanks for sharing.
Ah, Maria! Our intrepid girl reporter! Love hearing your takes on the events you attend. Always so entertaining to read. I love that you don’t hang back, either. I think you’d make a great celebrity interviewer (think Angela Bishop is ready to retire yet?) I mean, come on, you kept your head even when you talked to Rob, and that’s not something everyone can do. What a lovely thing to do for Jules, too. Didn’t know you were a Trekkie, Jules!
Can’t wait to c this film, but I likes watching Mr. Pattinson work,
Once again you ladies deliver the goods! If only I lived in Sydney so I could have gone :(.
Must have been great Maria! I’m glad for you.
@Sare you would have laughed and laughed – with our antics.
haha Trish – last time I saw Angela was at the BD Fan Event – I’ll *cough* happily take over *cough*
What a great experience M&V. This sounds awesome. And interestingly a few of my daughter’s friends were there too and they are all reporting a ‘shy’ Benedict. I think I am more inclined to go with Maria’s reading of his demeanor. Despite the Bin episode.
AAHHHHHH To you your birthday wish @Jules! Freaken’ Awesome!
Shy Benedict??? I’m not sure how they could have got that impression. The man asked a woman to leave the auditorium because her baby was crying. I’m thankful that he did because she was right next to me standing in a corridor and all I could hear was that child. There’s nothing shy about Bene – he was polite to her, but I don’t think those girls read the undertone to what he was saying. As she left he said – who brings a baby to an event like this. It was like he was reading my mind.
It’s funny how different people get different impressions though.
@Maria – who knows what goes on the mind of a teenage girl? I have 2 of them and I have no idea. I’m loving your stories though. Benedict sounds like quite a match for you. I bet Vertigo enjoyed watching you two each trying to take control of the conversation.
haha spot on @Carmel. Although I had to concede defeat – he wins the “control your environment” award hands down.
oh I just realised some of my initial comment has disappeared and now I can’t remember what I said – something along the lines of Vertigo witnesseing Benedict tell me repeatedly why he didn’t do something I wanted him to do (get your heads out of the gutter) and me having to pull back and let him say it even though I kept saying it was okay I understood lol.
@Maria – Re the disappearing comment- Tess and I were reading what you said and we both said out loud ‘ What did he want to say!’