I’m not sure what I can say here that hasn’t already been said. :) Rob’s performance in Cosmopolis is quite simply outstanding. Each time I watch the film I am rewarded by something new that I didn’t notice or appreciate before. I’ve selected some of the final scene with Benno here and both actors are truly on top form and just a real joy to watch. :) It can’t just be me who feels heartbroken as I watch the final unravelling of this complex character, Rob’s performance truly makes me sympathise with a normally unsympathetic character which in itself is exceptional. The way he looks at Benno when he tells him his prostrate is asymmetrical and asks what does it mean is incredibly moving.  I truly love the visuals from this particular part of Benno’s rant: “I have my syndromes you have your complex; Icarus falling. You did it to yourself. Meltdown in the sun. You will plunge 3 and a half feet to your death; that’s not very heroic is it?â€Â I can’t get enough of that particular part and as he paces behind Eric it’s impossible to take your eyes from Rob’s face as he prepares himself for his inevitable conclusion. Just out of this world AWESOME. His tears deserve a special mention and that second at the end when he opens his eyes – just wow. I remember gasping out loud when the credits started;  I was just in awe. I can’t ever get enough of Rob’s Eric Packer.
Golden Years Jule’s Favourite Cosmopolis Scene from RPAustralia on Vimeo.
Posted on April 25, 2013
Jules your edit is breathtakingly beautiful. My heart hurts.
This scene … even people I know who did not like Cosmopolis as a whole have said that this scene between Rob and Paul was intriguing.
Posted on April 25, 2013
Your edit Jules, I cannot stop looking it. So BEAUTIFUL, absolutely breathtaking. I cannot express how much I adore it. My heart breaks for Eric at that moment, that tear. The last scene between Eric & Benno, there are no words to describe how amazing it is & how much I LOVE it. Seeing Eric unravel breaks my heart as do his expressions as he prepares himself for what is to come. Rob’s portrayal of Eric – I could go on for days with my praise for him.
Posted on April 25, 2013
Oh God Jules! Your edit captures Eric’s belated fall into the human condition so perfectly. And that perfect tear of Rob’s actually does make the 3 1/2 feet plunge seem heroic.
Cosmopolis bought out the best in Rob and I also believe, all the lovely RPAU ladies too. I am very much enjoying all your Cosmo insights especially
@Jules – I am nodding my head in agreement through every one of your thoughts. The whole last scene with Benno and Eric is some of the best I have ever seen. It blows me away. A wonderful choice.
Posted on April 26, 2013
When I saw this particular scene my heart was beating a mile a minute, especially when I realized what was going to happen. When I saw his tears mine then started, too. I was heartbroken. He was amazing!!
I love your insight on this scene as I do all of your articles. It is simply amazing to me how you capture it all in so few words. I cannot write worth a patootie so I sincerely appreciate your narratives. Thank you so much for allowing me to visit this EXCELLENT site!!
Posted on April 26, 2013
‘Ditto’ to every single comment above, re both your edit, your words AND your choice of scene, Jules. Fabulous, all of them.
@Sanguine …..”I cannot write worth a patootie so I sincerely appreciate your narratives.” I laughed so hard when I read this ~ I think it’s how we all feel at times, but you just proved yourself wrong!
Posted on April 26, 2013
You are very welcome @Sanguine and we are glad you visit
Posted on April 26, 2013
@Sanguine – Anyone who can put the word ‘ patootie’ into a sentence is worth listening to. Love it!
Posted on April 26, 2013
loved reading all your comments/thoughts!!
and i agree with Sue, you did prove yourself wrong @Sanguine. loved your comment 
Posted on April 29, 2013
Riveting – thank you Jules for you insightful description. Why are we not surprised that DC wants Rob for another film – he just gets better and better.