Gawd I think this was either the second or third video I ever made. I can’t remember who it was that asked me for one of Rob on the red carpet, but I’m glad I did this way back then in 2010. The Thin White Duke handing over the baton to the new Thin White Duke so to speak.
Robert Pattinson: Elegance in Motion from RPAustralia on Vimeo.
Posted on February 27, 2013
I’m glad you did it, too, @Maria. Love it.
Posted on February 27, 2013
Soooooooo very nice Maria thank you and how lucky are we that you made this video.
Posted on February 27, 2013
Rob is Elegance in Motion. It was great to see this again Maria. Thank you
Posted on February 28, 2013
absolutely brilliant Maria, LOVED this!!
thanks for the reminder!!