I haven’t seen much of this, but I do believe there are some priceless facial expressions from Rob when he’s shown some of his wax figures hahaha. Â It’s dubbed *boo hiss* but at least we can enjoy the visuals. The vids are a bit of a pain, so if they don’t work, click here – all 5 are there.
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I still have no idea what I just watched. Rob looks just as bewildered.
The pupets – creepy
I have just been snorting with laughter – this is insanity. How I would’ve loved to have been involved in the post show convo with Rob, Taylor and Kristen as they try to come to terms with this interview. In 10 yrs time they will still be laughing at all these absurd moments. Agreed Carmel the puppets are creepy give me cookie monster of these dopey looking aliens.